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3217 articles.

June, 2020: Adobe Updates Everything, Again

Adobe announced a flock of new updates. Here’s a summary of what’s new for audio and video folks, plus links for more information.

Final Cut Pro X: Benefits of the Background Tasks Window

One of the reasons Final Cut Pro X is so fast is that it completes a lot of its work in the background. The Background Tasks window monitors all this activity. Here’s how to use it.

Final Cut Pro X: Mysteries of the Timeline Index

If you haven’t used the Timeline Index, you are missing a powerful tool to help track and organize the contents of your projects. Here’s what it does and how to use it.

Automatically Transcode Media & Create Proxy Files in Adobe Premiere Pro [v]

In this short video tutorial, Larry Jordan explains how to automatically transcode media from one format to another, plus create proxy files, during import in Adobe Premiere Pro.

Access, Add, Modify and Delete Keyboard Shortcuts in Adobe Premiere Pro [v]

In this short video tutorial, Larry Jordan shows how to access, add, modify and delete keyboard shortcuts for Adobe Premiere Pro.

Optimize Premiere Pro Preferences for Video Editing [v]

In this short video tutorial, Larry Jordan illustrates how to optimize Premiere Pro’s preference settings for video editing.

Copy Files From an iPhone to a Mac – FAST! [v]

In this short video excerpt, Larry Jordan demonstrates a very fast technique to copy files from an iPhone to a Mac.

Content ‘Velocity’ Is More Important Than Quality

Content ‘Velocity’ Is More Important Than Quality. Larry Jordan interviews Jess Hartmann, CEO, ProMax, about changes in video post-production as we emerge from the pandemic.

3 – 2 – 1 Backup Strategy

A backup strategy for video production and editing to make sure you can find the assets you need when you need them.

Premiere Pro: A Fast Way to Set Grayscale Values

A fast, automated method to optimize grayscale (exposure) settings to video clips in Adobe Premiere Pro.

First Look: ChronoX 1.2 from EVRapp

ChronoX is a very useful app for testing your system in a real-world setting to help you maximize its performance. Here’s a detailed look at what it is and how it works.

Premiere Pro 2020: Two New Features

An illustrated tutorial to two new Premiere features: Effect filtering and keyboard shortcuts for marker colors.

Thoughts on Restarting the Media Industry – Mark Harrison, DPP

An interview with Mark Harrison, managing director of DPP, on what the near-term future holds for restarting the media industry after the COVID-19 pandemic.

FCP X: Color Grade Panasonic Log Media with HDR Tools [v]

In this short video demo, watch as Larry Jordan shows how to color grade Panasonic HLG Log media in both a Rec. 709 and HDR projects. Bonus: Larry also illustrates how to use the HDR Tools effect for converting HDR media.

FCP X: How to Color Grade ProRes RAW Media [v]

In this short video demo, watch as Larry Jordan illustrates how to display and color grade ProRes RAW media in Apple Final Cut Pro X. (This also includes a bonus technique on using the Balance Color effect for HDR media.)

FCP X: Setup Dual Computer Monitors [v]

In this short video demo, watch as Larry Jordan show how to setup and configure dual computer monitors, video range checking and HDR tone-mapping.

Backgrounder: HDR (High Dynamic Range) Color Space [v]

In this short video demo, watch as Larry Jordan illustrates the different color spaces between SDR (Standard Dynamic Range) and HDR media.

Apple Final Cut Pro X and ProRes RAW

An explanation of how Apple Final Cut Pro X handles ProRes RAW images, along with a link to an Apple white paper to learn more.

Adobe Audition Supports M/S (Mid-side) Audio

Here are the details behind Adobe Audition support for M/S (mid-side) Audio in Adobe Audition.

Include Transparency (Alpha Channels) in HEVC Video

An illustrated tutorial on how to create a highly-compressed HEVC movie with transparency (alpha channels) using either the macOS or Apple Compressor.