FREE Weekly Webinar

Audio Mixing With the Fairlight Page in
DaVinci Resolve 19


Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2024 —  9:00 AM EDT
Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2024 — 12:00 PM EDT

NOTE!! This event is in TWO WEEKS!

Click a red link – above – to register for the event.


In our continuing exploration of DaVinci Resolve, this session presents how to do audio cleanup, level setting, and mixing in Fairlight; which is the audio page in Resolve.

Join Larry Jordan as he explains key audio terms, then shows how to:

  • Import projects from other NLEs
  • Explore the power of tracks vs clips
  • Adjust audio levels
  • Clean-up common audio problems
  • Adjust EQ (equalization)
  • Apply common effects
  • Create buses for complex mixes
  • Export the finished audio for other NLEs
  • Measure and adjust average audio levels

Fairlight has a lot to offer in making your audio sound as good as it can. This session will get you started in the right direction.


This is an intermediate-level session. Some knowledge of Resolve will be helpful, but not required.  All you need to watch this is a web browser.

Registration is FREE! Everyone is welcome!

NOTE: We recommend you use either Safari or Chrome to view this webinar. Firefox may have problems with audio.

Any problems or concerns with registration?
Contact us directly at: