Free Tutorials

3217 articles.

Product Review: OWC Drive Dock

An in-depth look, including performance measurements, for the OWC Drive Dock.

Create a Faster SneakerNet

With all the ways we have to transfer data, sometimes it’s just faster to grab a hard disk and carry it from one computer to another. This is a look at the OWC Envoy Pro mini from the point of view of improving the speed and reducing the size of your “SneakerNet.”

Apple Compressor 4.3: Three Quick Compression Tips

Three quick, illustrated tips to improve video compression using Apple Compressor 4.3.

Apple Motion 5: Three Quick Movement Tips

Three illustrated tips to get objects to move using Behaviors in Motion 5.

Apple Final Cut Pro X: Three Quick Import Tips

Three illustrated productivity tips that speed importing media into Apple Final Cut Pro X.

First Look: KeyFlow Pro v1.8

KeyFlow Pro, from Malgn Technology, is a media management and workflow tool that is optimized for Apple Final Cut Pro X. It can be used by a single editor or support small workgroups of up to ten editors. Here’s a look at the latest version.

Working with 4K Media (and Greater)

Editing 4K media is no different than editing HD – except when it is really, REALLY different. In this tutorial, Larry Jordan looks at the differences when editing 4K media in Adobe Premiere Pro CC and Apple Final Cut Pro X.

Configure a 2019 iMac for Video Editing [u]

Larry Jordan’s thoughts on the best way to configure a new 2017 iMac for video editing when you are on a budget.

FCP X: Everything You Need to Know About Transitions [video]

In this short video excerpt from his webinar: “Create Simple Effects in Apple Final Cut Pro X,” Larry Jordan illustrates the basics of adding, modifying and working with transitions, along with key preference settings.

FCP X: Everything You Need To Know About Generators [video]

In this short, video excerpt from his “Create Simple Effects in Final Cut Pro X,” Larry Jordan illustrates everything you need to know about accessing, modifying and working with Generators.

Apple Announces VR Support for Final Cut Pro X

Apple announces upcoming support for VR in Final Cut Pro X and Motion, along with new H.265 compression in Compressor.

Cloud-Based Archiving May NOT Be a Good Idea

A detailed discussion between Larry Jordan and Rony Sebok of 1Beyond of the benefits of archiving on LTO tape vs The Cloud. Rony has some key points you need to read before archiving any media on The Cloud.

Making the Best of a Bad Transition: Flow vs. Morph Cut

An illustrated explanation of the differences between the Flow transition in Final Cut Pro X and Morph Cut in Premiere Pro CC – and why BOTH of these could be a bad choice!

Premiere Pro CC: Two Ways to Create Video Still Frames [video]

This is a great way to get started learning effects, or a solid refresher course if you want to make sure you understand the basics. In this short video excerpt, discover two ways to create video still frames, or hold frames, in Adobe Premiere Pro CC. This also explains when to choose each option.

Premiere Pro CC: Two Ways to Resize Clips [video]

This is a great way to get started learning effects, or a solid refresher course if you want to make sure you understand the basics. In this short video excerpt, discover two ways to resize clips in the Timeline – and how to pick between them – then learn a brand-new preference setting that makes this even easier.

Beta Look: SMART Alec – Hard Disk Early Warning [u]

Smart Alex is a utility that monitors your hard disks and warns you if they are likely to fail. Current in beta, here’s more information on how the program works.

FCP X: Create a Multicam Clip Using Still Images [video]

This is an excerpt from Larry Jordan’s online training on multicam editing in Apple Final Cut Pro X. In this short video, Larry Jordan shows how to use multicam editing techniques to quickly create a montage of still images.

FCP X: Control Multichannel Audio in a Multicam Clip [video]

Multicam shooting records an event using multiple cameras. Multicam editing allows us to see all those images at the same time as we edit the show. In this short video excerpt, Larry Jordan shows how to work with multichannel audio within a multicam clip

Apple Final Cut Pro X: Compare Ken Burns to Keyframes [video]

In this webinar, join host, Larry Jordan as he illustrates everything you need to know about prepping, organizing and editing stills in Final Cut Pro X. In this short video excerpt, compare the differences between creating moves with the Ken Burns effect to using keyframes.

Apple Final Cut Pro X: 3D Moves on Stills [video]

In this webinar, join host, Larry Jordan as he illustrates everything you need to know about prepping, organizing and editing stills in Final Cut Pro X. In this short, video excerpt, learn how to create the illusion of a 3D camera move by converting a still into a multi-layer Photoshop graphic, then animating it.