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Learn How to Read Video Scopes

Understanding what video scopes tell us about our images is essential to creating great looking images; regardless of which video editing software you are using. In this article, I explain the basics of the waveform monitor and vectorscope, how to read them and how they affect color correction.

What I Learned Narrating an Audio Book

Recently, I was asked to narrate an audio book on learning design. I needed to look for ways to convey this information aurally, while keeping the conversation casual and the content accessible. It was an interesting challenge. I learned a lot – here are the highlights.

Review: TourBox Technology TourBox Lite & Elite Control Surfaces

The TourBox Elite (and its sister TourBox Lite) are well-built control surfaces designed to make using creative applications faster and easier. The hardware will last for years. But their tutorials and “Getting Started” documentation need a lot of work.

Using Speech-to-Text for Finished Projects in Premiere Pro

When I was editing my recent NAB Show interviews, I knew that I wanted to create a transcript of the video along with captions. When editing was done, I used Adobe Premiere Pro to transcribe the finished project. Here’s what I learned in the process.

The Aliens Are Among Us – Two Audio Effects in Final Cut Pro

There you are, immersed in creating your next epic – Ghost King Arising – when you are struck by a thought. “What, exactly, does a ghost king sound like?” Here are two audio effects in Apple Final Cut Pro – Alien and Spectral Gate – that you can use to answer that question.

Should You Upgrade to macOS 14.5?

Apple released macOS 14.5 last week. Here’s are Larry Jordan’s “Rules for Upgrading,” along with his answer to the question: Is it safe to upgrade?

Review: OWC Jellyfish Nomad, High-Speed Shared-Storage for Small Workgroups

Once it’s setup, the OWC Jellyfish delivers on its promise: high-speed shared file access in a portable server to support a local media workgroup of up to six.

Oh, MY! Get Ready for 12K Media

Some client, somewhere, is going to feel that their life is not complete unless they shoot their next YouTube ad in 12K. So you’re sitting at your edit station with a pile of drives on your desk containing this 12K opus. Now what? This tutorial has the answers.

Why Should We Care about NDI, SMPTE 2110 or RIST? They Are Ways to Move Media Remotely.

As many of us turn to remote production, we face a bewildering array of standards and protocols to move media around the web. This tutorial explains the leading protocols, what they do and who uses them.

Review: Warm Audio WA-87 R2 Studio Microphone

The Warm Audio WA-87 R2 is a studio microphone with a great sound. Here’s my review, including an audio comparison between three different narration mics, along with situations where it works – and where it doesn’t. Basically, this sounds better than any other narration mic I’ve ever used. An audio sample is included so you can hear it for yourself.

Apple Updates Final Cut Pro for iPad and Mac

Apple updated Final Cut Pro for both iPad and Mac last week. While it looks like the iPad version got all the love, there’s more to the story – beneath the surface.

Blackmagic Design Introduces the URSA Cine 12K Camera

At the 2024 NAB Show, Blackmagic Design introduced the URSA Cine 12K camera. Here’s an overview of what the camera can do and the audience it is designed for.

Larry Jordan’s Thoughts on Teaching – The “TV Matters” Interview

Last week, Misha Tenenbaum, host of “TV Matters” interviewed me about my teaching practices, philosophy and thoughts on what makes a successful teacher. I really enjoyed the depth of his questions and the chance to share what I’ve learned over my career.

Industry Leaders Reflect on “The Creator Economy”

At heart, all of us are creators and we’ve been creating for a long time. A key theme at the 2024 NAB show is called the “Creator Economy.” This compilation of key industry leaders discusses the “Creator Economy” and how it impacts traditional media.

Transcript: Industry Leaders Reflect on “The Creator Economy”

One of the themes at this year’s NAB is the “Creator Economy.” One of the things I wanted to find out during my interviews is what is the “Creator Economy” and how is it impacting traditional media? This is a transcript of my interviews.

Transcript: What Are the Key Trends Media Industry Leaders Are Watching?

NAB is a celebration of technology. It’s a celebration of what’s happening right now. But for every one of the companies that exhibits here, it’s also a chance to explore what’s coming in the future. One of the questions I asked as I was interviewing key vendors at the 2024 NAB Show was what are some of the trends that they’re paying attention?

What Are the Key Trends Media Industry Leaders Are Watching?

NAB is a celebration of technology. It’s a celebration of what’s happening right now. But for every one of the companies that exhibits here, it’s also a chance to explore what’s coming in the future. One of the questions I asked as I was interviewing key vendors at the 2024 NAB Show was what are some of the trends that they’re paying attention?

New Features in Adobe Premiere Pro v24.3

Adobe released a new version of Premiere Pro (v24.3) at the 2024 NAB Show last week. Here’s what’s new, along with a list of all their bug fixes.

Review: LEWITT RAY Microphone, with AURA Technology

The Lewitt Ray microphone, with Aura technology, is a well-designed, well-built, good-sounding mic that has a sound worthy of its price. The Aura technology works and, for some, will be a valuable mixing assistant. Here’s Larry Jordan’s review.

Transcript: Industry Leaders Discuss the Impact of AI on Media

AI is having a dramatic impact on media. Larry Jordan interviews key industry leaders at the 2024 NAB Show to learn their opinions on the impact of AI and machine learning. Their answers ranged from fear to hope. Here’s a transcript of the video.