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How to Swap and Archive Hard Drives With a Forever RAID Set

Even the largest RAIDs fill up. If you own an OWC RAID, you can safely and easily archive RAID sets for archiving and storage. Loren Miller explains the process in this highly-illustrated, step-by-step tutorial.

Thunderbolt May Not Be As Fast As You Think

Thunderbolt is an amazing protocol and essential to many video workflows. However, it isn’t a magic box. Once you understand what affects the speeds it can transfer data, you can better plan for how to use it. This tutorial explains what impacts the speed of a Thunderbolt device.

When Should You Upgrade to macOS Ventura?

[Update: Dec. 17, 2022, I updated to Ventura 13.1. Mostly, it went fine. But there were issues. Read the details here.] Sometime in October, Apple will release the latest version of the macOS: Ventura. First announced at the 2022 WWDC …

All Tutorials & Reviews Published in August, 2022

August is vacation time. Still, over these five weeks, we published 19 tutorials and product reviews. Here’s a summary of everything we released this month. Something to look through during the holiday weekend.

Three Little-Known Effects in Apple Final Cut Pro

In this illustrated tutorial are three interesting, but little-used, effects in Apple Final Cut Pro that create interesting backgrounds or change the mood of a scene.

Product Review: Media Asset Management is a fast, powerful and customizable media asset management system that is designed for the needs of a small to medium sized workgroup. This is an in-depth product review, along with an interview with CEO Sam Bogoch.

FutureVideo Products: A New Approach to Multicam Recording and Editing

V-Station HD is a new and uniform approach for multi-cam video projects, particularly for those who are not trained in video production. In this article, Larry Jordan interviews FutureVideo Products CEO Robert Cohen to learn more about their video products.

Video Editors Tell How They Manage Media

Last week, I asked video editors to share how they organize and manage their media for video editing. Here’s what they told me.

Don’t Let “Fear of Missing Out” Derail Buying Decisions

I’ve been thinking recently about how much the marketing of the tech industry is driven by “Fear of Missing Out” (FOMO). Rumor sites are in the business of generating page views by emphasizing “what we might miss.” But speculating on what Apple will announce is a smoke-and-mirror-filled rabbit hole. Don’t let FOMO derail your buying decisions.

Seven Stylize Effects Create Illegal Video Levels in Final Cut Pro

There are seven Stylize effects in Apple Final Cut Pro that create illegal video levels. This tutorial shows what they are, the problems they cause and how to fix them before final export.

Organize Audio Files for Video Editing in Final Cut Pro

[ Updated Aug. 22, 2022, with comments from Ed Cilley. ] Kristen Flynn asks: “How do people keep track of stock music? Where do they keep it? How do they access it for an edit? I feel like I have …

Video Production Evolves – Except Where It Matters

Four classic production stills that showcase how much video production has changed over the last 40 years – along with some core ways it hasn’t changed at all.

Light Effects in Apple Final Cut Pro

In this highly-illustrated tutorial, I showcase what the “Light” effects do in Final Cut Pro, along with the settings used.

Apple Releases Minor Update for Final Cut Pro

This week, Apple released a minor update to Final Cut Pro (v 10.6.4), Compressor (v 4.6.2), Motion (v 5.6.2) and iMovie. Here are the details.

What Do Most Video Editors Get Wrong When Setting Up Long-Form Projects in Adobe Premiere Pro?

Last week, Adobe released a detailed Premiere Pro Workflow Guide for Episodic and Feature film Editing. This week, I spoke with Morgan Prygrocki, at Adobe, about typical mistakes video editors make and how this Guide can help.

Final Cut Pro: Very Cool, But Very Hidden, Effects

The reason we use effects is to help us tell our story more effectively. While creating effects can take more time than we expect, the results, when effects are chosen wisely, can be amazing. Here are a baker’s dozen of little-known effects in Apple Final Cut Pro.

New! Copy/Paste Changed in Premiere Pro 22.5

One of the smaller changes in the June update to Premiere Pro is also one that can save you a bunch of time: Adobe revised Copy/Paste. Here’s what you need to know.

Review: CalDigit Thunderbolt Station 4 (TS4) Dock [u]

The CalDigit Thunderbolt Station 4 (TS4): More ports and more speed in one small box with a great price. However, there are a few key issues you need to understand before you buy. Here’s my detailed review.

Review: ATEN UC8000 Audio Mixer

The ATEN UC8000 MicLIVE AI-powered podcast audio mixer is a good first effort, but it isn’t ready for production. It is well-built but not well thought-out. Here’s my review.

An Intricate Balance – What Makes a Video Editor Successful?

I think these four skills are essential for every video editor to master. I also think it is impossible say that one is more important than the other, because if any one is missing, the project suffers.