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3217 articles.

Product Review: Final Cut Library Manager v3

Final Cut Library Manager is an essential Final Cut utility that allows you to do things with Final Cut Pro X library and media files files that are either impossible or enormously time-consuming to do any other way. This highlights their latest release (v. 3.04)

Premiere Pro CC: Loudness Radar and Average Audio Levels [u]

The Loudness Radar is available in Adobe Premiere Pro CC and Audition CC. It allows us to measure average audio levels and meet the requirements of the CALM Act.

Why Join Our Video Training Library?

Why become a member of Larry Jordan’s Video Training Library? Because you can learn exactly what you need to know from our library more quickly and better than you can learn it on your own.

Premiere Pro CC: Create a Green-Screen Effect [video]

In this short video demo, Larry Jordan shows how to shoot a green-screen in studio, then how to create a green-screen effect using Adobe Premiere Pro CC.

FCP X: Create a 2-Color Chroma-key Effect [video]

In this short video demo, Larry Jordan shows how to create an eye-catching visual effect using a 2-color chroma key in Final Cut Pro X.

Flying a Drone [video]

In this short video excerpt, Zach Bloom gives Larry Jordan an orientation to flying a drone.

Apple Updates Final Cut Pro X, Motion 5 and Compressor 4

Today, Apple released the latest updates to Final Cut Pro X, Motion and Compressor. Here are the details.

Drone Regulation Overview [video]

In this short video excerpt from a longer webinar, Larry Jordan and Zach Bloom provide an overview of drone regulations.

FCP X: Hidden Compound Clip Technique

Compound clips in Apple Final Cut Pro X have many uses – one of the less obvious is the ability to change a clip once and have that change reflected everywhere, as this illustrated tutorial shows.

Corrections: Media Management in Final Cut Pro X

Recently, I hosted a webinar looking at media management in Final Cut Pro X. Over the last two days I learned that some of the information I provided in that session was incorrect. This article corrects my errors.

Premiere Pro CC: Gain vs. Normalization

When speed is everything, and distortion is not an option, normalization can wrangle all your selected audio clips and even out their audio levels in a heartbeat. This illustrated article explains how.

Where Does Final Cut Pro X Store Media?

Media management in FCP X boils down to: its either in the library or it isn’t. And every time you import media, you get to choose where it goes. This article explains what you need to know.

Create a Custom Blu-ray Menu Using Toast Titanium 10

NOTE: This Macintosh technique requires a Blu-ray Plug-in and BD-R or BD-RE Burner, both of which are sold separately. Without these, a Blu-ray Disc can not be created on a Mac. As Apple moves ever farther from supporting optical media, …

Product Review: Red Giant Universe

Delivered, maintained and updated via The Cloud, but stored locally, Red Giant Universe provides a wealth of high-quality effects and transitions in an easy-to-manage package at a very affordable price. A product review by Larry Jordan.

FCP X: Import Media From Camera, Camera Card, Hard Disk and iPhone [u] [video]

In this short video excerpt from a recent webinar, Larry Jordan shows the best way to import media from a camera, camera card, hard disk or iPhone into Final Cut Pro X.

Copy or Move Media, Events and Projects into New Libraries [video]

In this short video excerpt of a recent webinar, Larry Jordan shows how to copy or move media, events and projects into new libraries. This technique is very useful for sharing projects between editors – Transfer Libraries – organizing files, or trimming libraries that have gotten too large.

Premiere Pro CC: What Does the Video Limiter Do?

An illustrated explanation of the Video Limiter filter, why and how it is used and the new settings which automate this process in Adobe Premiere Pro CC.

First Look: ProStorage Hard Disk Cases

A first-look at ProStorage, long-term static-free cases for hard disk storage.

Tutorials for December, 2015

Step-by-step tutorials covering Final Cut Pro X, Motion 5, Adobe Media Encoder and product reviews written during Dec. 2015 by Larry Jordan.

Top 20 Tutorials for 2015

A list of, and links to, the Top 20 tutorials on Larry Jordan’s website for 2015.