An explanation of why placing mono clips on stereo timelines, or stereo clips on mono timelines creates a significant difference in audio levels.
A summary of when it makes sense to buy a Mac Pro vs. an iMac.
The answer to how to prevent Final Cut Pro X from seeing your hard disk as a camera; along with a suggested way to name folders to easily track media.
A behind-the-scenes look at Larry Jordan’s interview for TV Bay at BVE Expo 2015.
Video highlights from BVE Expo 2015, in London, England.
An illustrated, step-by-step tutorial on how to create a custom background featuring a client logo using the Replicator in Motion 5.
In Part 2, we continue our description of what works and what doesn’t when setting up a video streaming system for the Internet using Wirecast and Wowza.
A quick illustrated tutorial on how to scale a large image to fit the sequence size in Premiere Pro CC 2014.
In this short video demo, Larry Jordan shows how to setup and record an audio voice over in the Timeline of Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014.
In this short video tutorial, Larry Jordan shows how to move audio clips and sequences between Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014 and Adobe Audition CC 2014.
A short video demo by Larry Jordan showing how to separate stereo audio into dual-channel mono, as well as the differences between Extract and Break-Apart clips.
Video highlights from a recent webinar by Larry Jordan looking at how to position and frame the camera to improve story-telling with your actors.
An illustrated tutorial explaining drop zones in Final Cut Pro X and how to use them.
A short video tutorial from Larry Jordan showing how to automate Photoshop image processing using Actions.
A short video tutorial on how to use the Clone tool to remove dust and small scratches from a still image.
A short biographic description of the team at Larry Jordan & Associates, Inc.
This short video tutorial by Larry Jordan shows how to remove scratches and creases from a damaged still image using the Healing Brush in Adobe Photoshop CC
A step-by-step tutorial suggested by a reader asking how to put all the voice over (vo) audio on one track, while all the rest of the audio is on the right track.
A step-by-step illustrated tutorial showing how to animate an effect in Motion 5 using audio. This also shows how to animate color changes.
A video tour of Larry Jordan’s new live webcast studio and control room showcasing the gear they installed.