[This is an excerpt from a recent on-line video webinar: “Create Animated Lower-Third Titles in Apple Motion 5” which you can download in our store, or as part of our Video Training Library.] The best way to learn something is …
This is a little-known trick that allows you to color correct a clip without first editing it into a multicam clip or the Timeline. The benefit to this technique is that you can apply this change once and it appears everywhere a portion of that clip is used.
A quick tip that can help dial out color problems during video editing, quickly and easily.
The Top Ten most common mistakes that affect video editing.
A step-by-step guide to transferring projects between Adobe Premiere Pro CC and Apple Final Cut Pro X; along with an explanation of what transfers and what doesn’t.
EditReady is a fast, flexible, simple to use video converter and created by the same folks that created ClipWrap. This utility can help speed your editing, provide greater flexibility over clip naming, change the timecode of a source clip or simplify media management.
A very cool, very secret Final Cut Pro X tip that can speed both importing and editing.
Closed captions are intimidating! But, closed captions are also vital to understanding a movie for anyone who has trouble hearing or speaks a different language. In this short video excerpt, discover what captions are and the key terms you need to know.
An explanation of the difference between I-frame and GOP video compression and why it matters to video editors.
A step-by-step, illustrated guide to creating and animating text on a curve in Motion 5.
These are the highlights of the 2016 Coughlin Associates survey on how media professionals use storage, along with a link to a PDF containing the complete survey results.
Just about every video editor wants to know more about audio, and just about every one of them doesn’t have the time to study audio repair and mixing as much as they would like. In this short video excerpt, Larry Jordan illustrates how to move projects between Adobe Audition, Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro 7 and Final Cut Pro X.
Should you work for free? This chart, from Jessica Hische, helps you answer that exact question.
Dialog conveys information, while reaction shots convey emotion. In this short video excerpt from a webinar on creative video editing, Larry Jordan analyzes a scene from “The Battle of Five Armies,” and shows how it used reaction shots to heighten emotions.
Dialog conveys information, while reaction shots convey emotion. In this short video excerpt from a webinar on creative video editing, Larry Jordan shows how changing the position of the same two shots changes the emotional meaning of a scene.
With the June, 2016, update to Premiere Pro CC, Adobe added several new shortcuts that speed using keyframes inside the application. This illustrated article explains what and where they are.
In the Wild West that is the Internet, technical quality is often ignored. But, in the worlds of broadcast, cable or DVDs, knowing that your file will pass technical muster can make the difference between making or missing the deadline. Pulsar QC, from Venera Technologies, is file analysis software, developed for the studios but priced for independents, will test your media files for technical quality; as this article explains.
Last week, Adobe released updates to all their audio and video software. In this short video excerpt, Larry Jordan illustrates the new Essential Sound Panel in Adobe Audition CC.
Last week, Adobe released updates to all their audio and video software. In this short video tutorial, Larry Jordan showcases the new dynamic link between Adobe Premiere Pro CC and Adobe Audition CC.
If you are looking for visually interesting ways to style, degrade, or spice up your images, Rampant Edit Essentials is a great place to start. Here is an illustrated review of the product.