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Apple Fixes Bugs in Final Cut, Motion & Compressor

On July 8th, Apple released bug fix updates for Final Cut Pro, Motion and Compressor. These updates included no new features. Here’s the list.

Seagate Partners with to Create “Smarter Media.”

Seagate and partner to provide “Smarter Media” – edge-to-cloud mass storage with a media asset management front end. This new service, named “Lyve” is designed to provide cost effective smart media solutions for real world applications.

Find EXACTLY the Media You Need Using Expanded Search in Final Cut Pro

Smart Collections are flexible, easy to create and very, very deep. I use them for almost all my projects – except the very simplest. Here are illustrated examples of how these work.

New Features in Adobe Premiere Pro (beta)

Last week, Adobe released a new beta version of Premiere Pro showcasing new import and export features and, more importantly, point the direction Adobe plans to take the software. Here’s what’s new.

Apple Final Cut Pro: Find Missing Media Using New Search Options [v]

Apple updated Final Cut Pro, Motion and Compressor last week and both Final Cut and Compressor got a flurry of new features. In this short video tutorial, Larry Jordan shows how to find missing media, including proxies, using a new search feature in Apple Final Cut Pro.

Apple Compressor: Use Color Indexing to Reduce Video Animation File Size [v]

Apple updated Final Cut Pro, Motion and Compressor last week and both Final Cut and Compressor got a flurry of new features. In this short video tutorial, Larry Jordan shows how to reduce the file size of an animated image sequence. We do this without losing any video quality, by using indexed color and Apple Compressor.

Apple Compressor: Control Video Metadata to Preserve Privacy [v]

Apple updated Final Cut Pro, Motion and Compressor last week and both Final Cut and Compressor got a flurry of new features. In this short video tutorial, Larry Jordan shows how to control what metadata is embedded into your movies during compression using Apple Compressor. This is a very useful technique when security or privacy are important.

New! Custom Browser Column Sets in Final Cut Pro

New with the 10.5.3 update to Apple Final Cut Pro is the ability to create custom Browser column layouts, save them, switch between them, even share them with other editors. Here’s an illustrated tutorial on how to use this.

New! Quickly Find Missing Media in Final Cut Pro

New with the 10.5.3 update to Final Cut Pro is the ability to quickly find missing media in a library. You can also use this technique to find clips by type: optimize, proxy and missing. This illustrated tutorial explains how this works.

Use Apple Compressor to Reframe Video to Square or Vertical

New with the 4.5.3 update to Compressor are compression settings which simplify cropping and compressing square and vertical media. These new settings simplify the conversion of, say, horizontal media to vertical making it easier to repurpose existing assets for new uses.

Apple Updates Final Cut Pro, Motion & Compressor

Last week, Apple released updates for Final Cut Pro, Motion and Compressor. Both Final Cut and Compressor added new features, while all three applications saw significant bug fixes. Here’s the full list of what’s new.

Avoid Common Font Traps to Improve Text Readability [v]

Fonts are the easiest way to telegraph an emotion – and they don’t require any design skills from us. In this short video tutorial, Larry Jordan illustrates the importance of readability – and other factors – when choosing fonts for a video project.

Tips to Help You Make Better Font Choices [v]

Fonts are the easiest way to telegraph an emotion – and they don’t require any design skills from us. In this short video tutorial, Larry Jordan illustrates several font design tips to help you choose which fonts to use in your next video project.

Three Quick Adjustments to Improve the Look of Text [v]

Fonts are the easiest way to telegraph an emotion – and they don’t require any design skills from us. In this short video tutorial, Larry Jordan demonstrates three font adjustment techniques that can make on-screen video text look better. While this uses Photoshop, we can actually do this in most applications on Windows or Mac.

The Balance Between Traditional Film and Digital Filmmaking

We love the look of film, but the world has gone digital. In this guest blog, Drew Gula, from, explores the balance between digital media and creating a film look.

The Secret of Silence: ProCo Sound’s Power Mute CDPM Mic Switch [u]

The ProCo Power Mute CPMD mic switch is a ruggedly-built, easy to use and reasonably quiet mic mute, well-suited for live events or recording. Here’s Larry Jordan’s detailed product review.

Why Scaling Images Looks So Awful So Often

DPI (Dots per Inch) is a measure of image resolution. It also confuses a lot of people. Here’s an illustrated guide to where DPI matters, where it does not, and why images look bad when you scale them larger.

Adobe Reports Massive Speed Boost Using M1 Macs

New Pfieffer Report testing confirms Adobe software, running natively on M1 Macs, is far, FAR faster than the same software running on Intel Macs. Speeds are almost double. Read the details here.

Adobe Premiere Pro: New, Improved Captions

With the May, 2021, update, Adobe improved captioning in Premiere Pro. New features include improved colors and more flexible trimming. This tutorial illustrates these.

Final Cut Pro: Consolidate Media for Archiving or Colllaboration

Recent versions of Final Cut Pro have a feature called: “Consolidate Library Media.” This tutorial looks at what this feature does, when to use it and how it can aid archiving and collaboration.