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3217 articles.

Hardware Review: AJA KiPro Mini

A few weeks ago, AJA sent me a new KiPro Mini to take a look at.

Frustrated? HP Responds

A few days ago I wrote about my frustrations in finding archiving solutions. The next day, I had a long phone conversation with the executive team at Cache-A plus a long email from HP.

An Exercise In Frustration

I’ve become increasingly concerned as I talk with producers, editors, and vendors that we are rapidly moving into a tapeless environment without any realistically priced options for long-term media archiving.

Moving and Removing Effects

Here are two techniques that make a big difference to me when I am working with effects: Remove Attributes and Paste Attributes.

Creating Log DPX Files

Compressor automatically generates log DPX files. Is there a way to create linear DPX files?

Changing the Reel ID in Final Cut Pro

Troubles with logging? Check the Reel column in the browser.

Questions on Capturing

Larry answers some questions regarding the different codecs that Final Cut Express captures vs. Final Cut Pro, as well as fielding a question on audio waveforms.

FCP X: Enhancing Audio

In addition to over 100 audio effects, Final Cut Pro X ships with some very interesting audio enhancements which can repair bad audio. In this tutorial, I want to illustrate how to work with these enhancement tools.

FCP X: Compound Clip Secrets

Final Cut Pro 7 calls it a “nest.” Final Cut Pro X calls it a “compound clip.” Whatever you call it, there are some real benefits in knowing how to use it. A compound clip is simply a collection of clips gathered together and treated as though they were a single clip. This tutorial explains how to create them.

FCP X: Animating Timeline Effects

Keyframes are at the heart of all video animation; though, in some cases they are hidden in a Motion behavior or pre-built effect. In this tutorial, I will show you how to add keyframes in the Final Cut Pro X Timeline to animate an effect.

Display Action / Title Safe Zones

Action Safe and Title Safe boundaries were invented decades ago to solve two problems with televisions that had picture tubes. This technique explains what they are and how to display them.

FCP 7: Putting Video Inside a Shape

Valentine’s Day is coming up, so I thought I would use it as the example for one of my favorite effects – putting video inside a shape. This effect is also called a “traveling matte.”

Larry Jordan’s Monthly Final Cut Newsletter – Dec. 2011

Welcome to the latest edition of my monthly Final Cut Studio newsletter for December, 2011. This newsletter provides tutorials, tips and other information essential to the interested user of Final Cut Pro.

FCP X: Adding Timecode to Clips

Adding timecode to clips or projects is a great way to allow clients to review your projects and relate their comments to a specific time in the project. (This process is also called “timecode burn-in” – or “burning in timecode.”) This technique explains what you need to know.

FCP X: Copying and Pasting Clips

Let’s pretend we want to share a group of clips with multiple projects. The easiest way to move a clip, or a group of clips, between projects is to use copy and paste. This article explains how, along with variations on Copy and Paste.

FCP X: Saving Audio Presets

In this technique, you’ll learn how to save custom audio filter settings in both Final Cut Pro X (FCP X) and Soundtrack Pro.

FCP X: Quick Color Correction

This color correction technique in Final Cut Pro X isn’t perfect, but it is REALLY fast and gets you close enough to keep your job

FCP X: Create a Picture-in-Picture Effect

A picture-in-picture effect is a very popular effect in that it allows us to see two images at once. This tutorial shows you how to create this in FCP X (Final Cut Pro X).

FCP X: The Power of the Position Tool

In FCP X, this technique shows you how to use the Position tool to create gaps, move clips, and overwrite clips in the Primary Storyline.

FCP X: Smoothing "Ken Burns" Moves

A quick tip for FCP X: if you are adding Ken Burns moves to two clips and you need to add a transition between them, apply the transition first.