Free Tutorials

3213 articles.

Improving the Look of Graphics and Text

This is a comprehensive look at how computer and video graphics are different and what you need to know to create great looking video text and graphics. This article can make your life a LOT easier!

Thoughts on Improving Green Screen Results

Great looking chroma-keys start on set with how you light. However, once you’ve got the footage, what’s the best way to create a key. Here’s a quick sidebar that lists some other software you might want to try if you are not able to get the effect you want using the keyers that ship with Final Cut or Motion.

Green Bar at the Top of an Audio Clip

Have you ever wondered what that thin green line means at the top of some of your audio clips? Well, this short article let’s you in on the secret.

Generating a Gradient

Gradients are a smooth ramp from one color, or shade of gray, to another. Gradients can be easily created in Final Cut Pro, but the button to do so is very hidden. In this article, I show you how to create a gradient, how to adjust it, and provide some ideas on what you can do with it.

Improve Transitions with Gradient Wipes

Looking for different ways to add some excitement to your transitions? This article explains a little understood transition in Final Cut that provides some truly exciting, and unusual, transitions.

Thoughts on Creating Good Voice Over Recordings

Creating good voice over recordings is part art, part craft, and part technology. In this short article, Ben Balser provides some suggestions on what kind of gear you need to make great-sounding recordings.

FCP 7: A Glowing Lantern Effect Using Light-rays

This tutorial shows you how to create a glowing lantern effect in Final Cut Pro using the Light-rays Glow filter and some video generators. It isn’t fine art, but this will show you how to create some amazing effects, easily, on your own system.Easy, I thought… use Light Rays.

Getting Started with Final Cut Pro

A reader writes that his 10-year-old daughter is interested in editing and wants to know the best gear to buy and how to get trained in FCP. This is a great question, but the wrong question. This article explains that it isn’t the gear, its her interest. Fan that first, then buy gear second. You can read how here.

Audio Gear for the Digital Production Buzz at NAB 2010

As we gear up for the 2010 NAB Show – where the Digital Production Buzz is the Official Podcast of the event – I thought you’d be interested in the gear we are using and how we are using it. Next month, I’ll report on what we did.

Garbage Mattes

Garbage mattes are a fast way to exclude portions of a frame that you don’t want the viewer to see. This article shows an example of using garbage mattes to hide light stands in a music video.

Using Ganging to Compare Two Movies

I discovered this technique to be very useful when I want to make a shot-by-shot comparison between an existing movie and a sequence.

Understanding Gamma Settings

Gamma settings control the gray-scale midpoint. The reason this is significant is that Macs, video, and Windows all use slightly different settings. This means that video that looks good on one system, may look washed out or too dark on others. Snow Leopard, however, has changed the rules. In this article, I explain what gamma is, how to use it, and where to set it.

How Do You Capture Screens From a Game?

How do you capture the screens from a game. There are a number of screen capture utilities on the market. This article explains which works best on the Mac for capturing a game.

Changing Function Key Settings

Three of the most powerful keyboard shortcuts in Final Cut Pro are blocked because OS X uses the same three keys differently. This article shows you how to remap the OS shortcuts to release the power in Final Cut.

Reconciling Video Frame Rates Between After Effects and Final Cut Pro

The world of HD is awash in incompatible formats. Worse, it has eight different frame rates. And selecting the wrong frame rate in After Effects can make your video uneditable in Final Cut Pro. This article explains what you need to know.

Working with HD Footage From Flip Cameras

Flip cameras, and other inexpensive devices, capture footage in a variety of unusual formats. This article explains what you need to know to work with it inside Final Cut Pro.

Thoughts on Selecting a FireWire or SATA Hard Drive

Trying to decide what hard drive to buy? This article explains the differences between FireWire and SATA, and how to select the one that’s right for you.

Working with FireWire Drives

This technique shows you how to get the most from your FireWire drives, from partitioning through formatting to daisy-chaining.

Finding and Replacing Transitions

Here’s a secret technique that allows you to add the default transition to any number of selected clips in the timeline — all at the same time!

Finding a Clip!

A quick technique to use when you need to find a specific clip.