Free Tutorials

3217 articles.

FCP X: Display Used, or Unused, Media in Project [video]

In this short, video excerpt from a recent webinar, Larry Jordan shows how to display media which you are either using in the currently open project, or all media which is NOT in the current project.

Apple Compressor 4.3.x: Add Watermarks to Video

An illustrated tutorial on how to add watermarks to video during compression using Apple Compressor.

Product Review: OnePlus Microphone Arm Stand

An illustrated review of the OnePlus Microphone Arm, for holding and positioning audio microphones in a recording studio.

Adobe Premiere Pro CC: Create a Color Key [video]

Color correction and color grading are part art, part science and part applied technology. In this short, video excerpt, Larry Jordan shows how to create a color key, which selects an object within the frame based on its color. This also illustrates how to create a mask.

Adobe Premiere Pro CC: Install and Apply LUTs [video]

Color correction and color grading are part art, part science and part applied technology. In this short, video excerpt, Larry Jordan shows how to install and add LUTs in Premiere.

First Look: “Simon Says” Automated Transcripts

An illustrated and detailed look at a new automated service for transcribing media files into text – Simon Says.

Problems Between Apple Final Cut Pro X and GoPro Cineform

There are problems working with files created by GoPro Studio using Apple Final Cut Pro X, as this blog explains.

What Media Creators Need to Know About the New Apple File System

A detailed Q&A on the new Apple File System, what it is and what it means to media creators.

Critical Facts To Know About SSDs [u]

A detailed look at the benefits and differences of Solid-State Drives (SSDs) written for the non-engineer and focused on media editing.

Product Review: OWC ThunderBay 4 mini (SSD RAID)

For multicam editing nothing beats an SSD RAID. Here is an in-depth, illustrated look at the OWC ThunderBay 4 mini SSD RAID – a top choice for editors who value maximum performance and/or portability.

Adobe Premiere Pro CC: What You Need to Know About Multicam Editing [video]

Multicam editing allows us to see multiple cameras at the same time as we edit a show. This allows us to quickly compare shots and pick the best one for our story. In this short, video excerpt, Larry Jordan explains what you need to know about codecs, storage and organization before starting any multicam edit in Adobe Premiere Pro CC.

Adobe Premiere Pro CC: Create and Configure a Multicam Sequence [video]

Multicam editing allows us to see multiple cameras at the same time as we edit a show. This allows us to quickly compare shots and pick the best one for our story. In this short, video excerpt, Larry Jordan shows how to create and configure a multicam sequence in Premiere.

A Checklist for Video Editing

A list of key questions that need to be answered before any video project starts. You can start without answering these, but it is better to plan ahead than to be blind-sided by something you never considered.

Adobe Audition CC: Templates Speed Repetitive Work

An illustrated tutorial on how to create templates in Adobe Audition to speed your workflow when creating repetitive audio projects.

Demo: Final Cut Library Manager, from Arctic Whiteness [video]

In this video excerpt from his webinar: “Media Management for Video Editing,” Larry Jordan presents an in-depth tour of Final Cut Library Manager, from Arctic Whiteness.

Demo: KeyFlow Pro, from Malgn Technology [video]

In this video excerpt from his webinar “Media Management for Video Editing,” Larry Jordan presents an in-depth demo of KeyFlow Pro, from Malgn Technology.

Demo: Kyno, from Lesspain Software [video]

In this video excerpt from his webinar “Media Management for Video Editing,” Larry Jordan presents an in-depth demo of Kyno, from Lesspain Software.

Adobe Audition CC: 3 Workflow Tips

An illustrated series of tips on how to select clips, improve levels and work with templates in Adobe Audition CC.

Adobe Media Encoder: 3 Tips for Faster Compression

An illustrate set of three techniques that can speed and simplify video compression using Adobe Media Encoder.

Adobe Premiere Pro CC: 7 Editing Tips, um, Plus 1

This illustrated tutorial has several of my most favorite editing shortcuts for Adobe Premiere Pro CC.