Free Tutorials

3217 articles.

Product Review: MediaInfo from MediaArea

A detailed, illustrated look at MediaInfo, from MediaArea. This utility puts all the technical information about audio and video media at your fingertips.

Final Cut Pro X: Use HDR Tools to Convert HDR Media

An illustrated tutorial on what HDR Tools is and how it converts HDR media for a variety of different color spaces. This effect is available in Apple Final Cut Pro X only.

How Video Bit Depth Affects File Size

A corrected look at how video file size changes as color bit depth increases.

Final Cut Pro X Takes Too Long To Display Files in the Media Import Window

Here’s how to fix a problem when Apple Final Cut Pro X takes too long to display images – or displays too many images – in the Media Import window.

Adobe Premiere Pro CC: HDR Compression Guide

An unpublished HDR compression guide from Adobe on how to export HDR media from Adobe Premiere Pro CC.

Understanding Raw, Log and LUT Files [u]

Raw files give us the most control over the color and gray-scale values in our image, but they create massively large files and require significant time spent color grading. Log files allow us to retain highlight detail. And LUTs allow us to quickly convert an image or clip from one look to another. This article explains what each of these are and how they relate to video editing.

The Basics of High Dynamic Range Media Explained [u]

This provides an overview of what High Dynamic Range (HDR) media is, where we are now, where we are going, how it works in video editing systems and links to learn more. Written for a video editor, not an engineer.

Create Custom Video LUTs Using Photoshop

A very cool technique to create unique looks for your video using LUTs. This requires Photoshop and can be used in Adobe Premiere Pro, Apple Final Cut Pro X, or Davinci Resolve. You’ll like this.

Illustrating Color Spaces and LUTs for Video [v]

With all these different high-end video formats, it’s easy to get confused. In this short video excerpt, watch as Larry Jordan defines and illustrates color spaces and LUTs; and how they apply to video media.

Create Custom LUTs for Adobe Premiere Pro Using Adobe Photoshop [v]

High Dynamic Range (HDR), RAW, sLog, vLog, HDR, 10-bit, 12-bit… In this short video excerpt, watch as Larry Jordan illustrates how to create custom LUTs for media in Adobe Premiere Pro using Adobe Photoshop. This is a VERY cool technique!

Optimize Premiere Pro Preferences for HDR Media [v]

High Dynamic Range (HDR), RAW, sLog, vLog, HDR, 10-bit, 12-bit… In this short video excerpt, watch as Larry Jordan illustrates how to optimize preference settings in Adobe Premiere Pro to work with HDR media.

Product Review: mLUT from MotionVFX for FCP X, Premiere and Others

An illustrated review and tutorial on mLUT for Final Cut Pro X, Adobe Premiere Pro CC, Avid Media Composer and more.

Use AirDrop to Transfer Files from an iPhone to a Mac

An illustrated tutorial on how to use AirDrop to move images and video from your iPhone to a Mac.

Final Cut Pro X: Use Range Check to Protect Highlights

Range check is a simple-to-use tool that helps you retain all the detail in the brightest parts of your video image in Apple Final Cut Pro X. This illustrated tutorial shows you how to use it.

How to Use Range Check to Control Highlights in Final Cut Pro X [v]

With all the different high-end HDR video formats, it’s easy to get confused. In this short video excerpt, watch as Larry Jordan illustrates how to use Range Checking to control highlights in both SDR and HDR media using Final Cut Pro X.

How to Use the HDR Tools Effect in Final Cut Pro X [v]

With all the different high-end HDR video formats, it’s easy to get confused. In this short video excerpt, watch as Larry Jordan illustrates how to use the HDR Tools effect on HDR media in Apple Final Cut Pro X.

Tips for Color Grading HDR Media in Final Cut Pro X [v]

With all the different high-end HDR video formats, it’s easy to get confused. In this short video excerpt, watch as Larry Jordan shares tips on how to color grade HDR media in Apple Final Cut Pro X.

Digital Heaven Makes All Final Cut Pro X Plug-ins Available for Free

Digital Heaven releases all FCP X plug-ins for free. Here are the details, a weblink and an interview with CEO Martin Baker.

Real-World Performance Results

Mark Bashian, Creative Director for Bash Films, recently sent me these results of his performance testing. Since all of us are trying to figure out how to make the most of our computer gear, I found his tests to be …

DVD Chapter Markers in Final Cut Pro X

A cool workaround to create DVD chapter markers using Apple Final Cut Pro X.