Top 20 Tutorials for 2015

Posted on by Larry

Commentary2.jpgWith the start of a new year, I thought it would be fun to look back at the most popular tutorials on our website for 2015. (This list does not include blogs, which are tracked separately.)

With more than 1,400 step-by-step tutorials available on our website, each member of this Top 20 list had tens of thousands of views and all were f0und using searches. So, you can think of this list as the most common questions that editors had about their video editing software.



  1. CAUTION! SSD Drives and Yosemite [u]
  2. Premiere Pro CC: Boost and Smooth Audio Levels
  3. EQ: Warm a Voice and Improve Diction
  4. Premiere Pro CC: Use 2 Monitors
  5. Why Should Final Cut Pro 7 Editors Consider Adobe Premiere Pro CC?
  6. FCP X: When to Use Optimized, Proxy, or Native Media
  7. Premiere Pro CC: Multicam Step-by-Step
  8. FCP X: Delete Generated Media
  9. FCP X: Relinking Media [u]
  10. Mac OS: Turn Off Drive Ownership
  11. Adobe Premiere Pro CC: Separate Audio Channels
  12. FCP 7: Pick the Right Version of ProRes
  13. FCP X: Export Master File
  14. Color Correction: Make People Look Normal
  15. Solving Audio Sync Drift
  16. Why Should Final Cut Pro 7 Editors Consider Final Cut Pro X?
  17. FCP 7: Fixing a General Error
  18. FCP X 10.1: Manage Libraries
  19. Premiere Pro CC: Transfer Projects to Final Cut Pro X
  20. FCP X: Boost and Smooth Audio Levels

[u] means that a tutorial was updated after its original publication.

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