The True Heroes

Posted on by Larry

All too often, we judge a person’s worth by how much they are paid. In today’s virus-filled world we see just how misguided that is.

The true heroes in today’s world are not the celebrities, sports stars or CEOs. The true heroes are those who help others. The janitors, truck drivers, grocery clerks and nurses. The people who keep the wheels of our society rolling. Who keep us fed, warm and safe. They, more than anyone else, are keeping us together.

Today we realize just how interdependent we are. Society, like filmmaking, is a collaborative art. Each of us has a role to play. As important as we each think we are, each of us plays a role in society as a whole. Production assistants are as essential as the director, though their roles – and respect – vary.

Today, like millions of others, I’m hunkered down at home. But, we still need to eat. We still need electricity and heat. We still need security. We still need to stay in touch with friends and family – even if remotely. And, most of all, we need to stay healthy – and get help if we are sick.

These simple needs transform my view of who and what is important. It redefines the term “essential.” Suddenly, the “little people” aren’t so little. If my health fails, I would far prefer to be treated by a nurse than the CEO of a hospital chain. And the “big” people – if they are wise – will realize and reward that.

Right now, fear causes us to panic. Rumor outpaces fact. And we are each so worried it is difficult to focus on making good decisions. But, these times will pass. Life will improve. Science will find the treatments we need. Life will return to normal. But it will be a new form of normal.

As it does, it will be useful to remember just who brought us through. It wasn’t the people in power, it was the people who help.

7 Responses to The True Heroes

  1. Pat Flaherty says:

    Larry, you are so right and many of the healthcare workers are losing their lives to this pandemic. I am glad you took a moment to recognize the heroes of this crisis. These are changing times and as someone who works for a school system the use of television may play a bigger role in education much sooner than it was expected to as far as a delivery system of not only the curriculum but getting the message out to the community of what they can expect.

    Because things have gone to the on-line experience by leaps and bounds I was wondering if there was a way that you could add a sponsored link on your web page that would direct people in this industry to the many tools of the industry. I would hope that you could get a referral fee or a percentage of products sold. You are such a great resource when it comes to suggestion about products and if people only had to go to your web page to get suggestions about tools it may speed up the process. I know it would probably be a great under taking but I appreciate all that you do and I don’t want to see a resource like you to be struggling in these times. Stay healthy and thank you for all you do.

  2. 100% correct Larry…and history has shown time and time again, in the face of adversity we persevere and adjust to our environment.

  3. Barry Goch says:


    Well said. We are more interdependent on others today and I have taken this fact for granted in the past. We are all in this together and sharing kindness, compassion and empathy could be the best side effect of this trying time.

  4. Shameer Mulji says:

    “The true heroes in today’s world are not the celebrities, sports stars or CEOs. The true heroes are those who help others. The janitors, truck drivers, grocery clerks and nurses. The people who keep the wheels of our society rolling. Who keep us fed, warm and safe. They, more than anyone else, are keeping us together.”

    You’re absolutely right. And they should get the pay, benefits, and recognition that they deserve when this is all over.

  5. Will Bodden says:

    Yes! Yes! Yes! And Amen!

    […Thanks to] ALL janitors, truck drivers, grocery clerks and nurses And All And Every Fellow Human Being that you created in your Likeness and Image! Lord Especially for those that we have not yet realize how much of True Heroes and Heroines they Truly Are, for they Are So Many!!!!!!!

    …I belong to a group of Friends, that for many years we have Gone to Truck Stops and Approach the Drivers and Ask them if there is anything we may Pray with them about and if they have the time and allow us to sit and converse with them, then we DO!
    We have gone to hospitals and ask Nurses and Doctors if we may Pray with them and or Patients… We tell these Most Amazing And Remarkable Blessed Fellow Neighbors, Friends, Family Members, Relatives, Fellow Humans!

    …I join with all of you who have responded in truly giving THANKSGIVING FOR THESE TRUE HEROES!

    …Thank You Mr. Larry!


    Larry notes: I edited Will’s answer somewhat for content.

  6. Clayton Moore says:

    Well said!!

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