Important Final Cut Pro Bug Fixed in MacOS 13.2.1

Recently, readers sent me reports of Apple Final Cut Pro 10.6.5 crashing when working with large libraries on systems running macOS 13.2. This seemed occur more often when the library contained lots of clips stored in a single event.

This bug was fixed in the macOS 13.2.1 update which Apple released today.

If large libraries are part of your workflow, I suggest you upgrade to macOS 13.2.1 as soon as you can. Do so using Apple Menu > System Settings > General > Software Update.

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11 Responses to Important Final Cut Pro Bug Fixed in MacOS 13.2.1

  1. Kevin says:

    I had a problem where Final Cut refused to launch if I had an SD card plugged in. If I inserted one while FCP was open, it would crash.

    It didn’t seem to matter which SD card, and no files on the card had to be open for the crash to occur.

    I’m not aware of anyone else having this problem, but the latest update fixed it.

  2. Curt Nelson says:

    Hi Larry,

    I seem to remember a while back you said not to upgrade your OS if you were using SSD’s or RAID’s, or something like that, because of degraded performance.

    Is that still an issue?


    • Larry says:


      This is not something I would have said. I did write that in one case, there seems to be a speed difference in SSD performance between Monterey and Ventura versions of the macOS, but I did not say you should avoid upgrading.

      Now that there are updates to Ventura, I should go back and retest this.


  3. I’ve been holding off upgrading too, in light of this warning in December.
    I guess it’s time to bite the bullet and do the upgrade, if only to avoid the worst of two evils.
    Thanks as ever Larry for all that you do for the fo=ilm community.

    • Larry says:


      Actually, EXFAT does exist, but not in the same way as I was expecting. If you re-read this article, you’ll see that EXFAT exists, but you need to select a different section of your storage.

      Also, regarding speeds, I’ll do another test this week to see if recent versions of macOS have fixed this.


  4. jamal says:

    I just came across a tool by Digital Rebellion on a post from 2012 called Pro Maintenance tool, I downloaded the tool (?trial) it told me what the plugin was that was causing the crash, I uninstalled the plugin and FCPX opened straight away, I have been trying for 3 days straight and was about 20 mins away from wiping my ssd and reinstalling Ventura 13.1.0 here is the link for the tool.

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