Copy Files From an iPhone to a Mac – FAST! [v]

Posted on by Larry

[This is an excerpt from a recent on-line video webinar: “The Basics of Editing in Adobe Premiere Pro” which is available as a download in our store, or as part of our Video Training Library.]

UPDATE: After creating this tutorial, I discovered another and, often, better way to transfer files. Check out this tutorial on using Image Capture to transfer files. Then, use the technique you like the best.


In this short video excerpt, Larry demonstrates a very fast technique to copy files from an iPhone to a Mac.


Copy Files From an iPhone to a Mac – FAST!

TRT: 3:00 — MPEG-4 HD movie


This four-part webinar series covers the basics of editing with Adobe Premiere Pro; from getting started to final export.

Presented by Larry Jordan, this first session shows how to plan your edit with a workflow, manage media and storage, explore the Premiere interface, then import media for editing.

Visit our website to see lots more video training in our store.

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18 Responses to Copy Files From an iPhone to a Mac – FAST! [v]

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  1. Bernard Tagholm says:

    You can also use the Image Capture app to do this. In fact it looks like Preview is using the Image Capture framework to do the importing. I always use image capture to import media from my iPhone and my SD cards. I then use Hazel scripts to sort the imported media into dated folders by media type (video/still). Hard wiring is always faster than wireless. Seems this would make a great item for one of your wonderful tip sheets

    • Larry says:

      Bernard (and others):

      Thanks for the tip about Image Capture. This is an app that I haven’t used. I’ll look into it.


  2. Neil Groundwater says:

    Larry, you’re introducing an unnecessary step.

    Preview is opening “Image Capture” which is in the Applications folder. The iPhone (or another camera if you have one connected) should show up on the left side of the window. Pick it and you can access and download the photos/videos as you described.

  3. Nick Rains says:

    Hi Larry. You can also import directly from the phone into your FCPX Library using the normal FCPX Import routine. The iPhone shows up in the Cameras list in the Import dialog box. To be fair I only just noticed this, inspired to look by your video.

  4. Jim Turnbull says:

    I just downloaded all the images and videos from my iPhone(except those created with Filmic Pro) into an archive folder on my desktop in rapid time. I was about to write that this was possibly the best tip that I have ever read, including those in The Inside Tips.

    BUT . . . I then went back to try it again and my iPhone is now ‘greyed out’, and has remained so ever since, searching the internet has provided no resolution. I then returned to this thread to document this issue and read Neil Groundwater’s comment above. Using Image Capture directly works perfectly – except for files created with Filmic Pro – and what’s more the iPhone does NOT get ‘greyed out’!

    Thanks to the two of you for a superb tip. Image Capture is now in my dock and will be used on a weekly, if not daily basis.

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