FCP 7 Back On Sale! – UPDATED

According to MacRumors, and confirmed by two other sources, Apple is now offering FCP 7 (and the entire Final Cut Studio (3) suite) for sale.

You can read MacRumors here.

While only available on an 800 number – 800-MY-APPLE – using part #MB642Z/A – it is good to know that Apple is selling the product again.

I have contacted my sources within Apple to get the “official word” on this.

I’ll let you know what I find out.


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I spoke with an official Apple spokesperson, who told me that: “As we’ve done before with many end-of-life software products, we have a limited quantity of Final Cut Studio still available through Apple telesales to customers who need them for ongoing projects.”

31 Responses to FCP 7 Back On Sale! – UPDATED

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  1. Floris says:

    I really love working with FCPX. More than everything else.

    A lot of stuff is missing but I am very happy that Apple got the foundation right. Apple always works like this when a launch goes wrong:
    1. Observe
    2. Observe
    3. Observe
    4. Analyze
    5. Fix
    6. Strike back

    Next weekend, IBC starts and I have hope that they will announce an update around that timeframe. I also believe the first update will be a major one to fix a lot of bugs/flaws and add many new product features. I am pretty sure Apple does want to show us they are serious about professionals, and what better way to do that than trough your product?

    On a side note… I read Philip Hodgett’s book on metadata and everyone saying FCPX is iMovie is blind. There is so much new and good stuff in FCPX it makes your head spin around. Lightyears ahead of Avid/Adobe. People just don’t know it. I also feel sorry for the ‘old-school’ editor but the game is going to change. You can either adapt or die (business wise). That is not saying you have to use FCPX… but Avid and Adobe will follow where Apple is leading them in time. Times are changing… look at the succes of the iPad. If the iPad is impacting Macbook sales, than ultimately software needs to change to adopt to that. You may not like that, but that is where we are going. And the future is thinking computers that perform the tedious boring tasks like transcribing, sorting, analyzing, applying filters… you as a human only need to supervise and create something with emotional impact, something a computer cannot do… yet.

    Technology is changing rapidly… again, adopt or be left behind in the stone age. If your ancestors did not adopt, you still would be writing on stone walls and hunting monkeys in the forests… change = evolution = constant.

  2. Allynn says:

    I agree… Hodgett’s book is a must read for anyone who wants to understand the depth in “X”. Still “not quite there yet” for me but I’m hopeful

  3. Floris says:

    And to illustrate my point, there are plenty of examples of big companies who keep doing the same thing while the market is changing:

    According to Bloomberg: “the world’s two biggest makers of high-end cameras (Cnaon and Nikon), may be missing out on the industry’s biggest technology shift since film rolls became obsolete. The two Tokyo-based companies use mirrors in all cameras with interchangeable lenses, a technique Sony Corp. is shifting away from. As a result, Canon and Nikon’s combined share of the Japanese market has fallen by 35 percent, while Sony’s share has doubled, according to estimates at research firm BCN Inc.”

    Canon and Nikon keep saying: mirrorless is not good, less quality, smaller sensor, nobody wants it… but hey, customers are buying it.

    Nokia is another great example. RIM is another great example. You have to keep-up to stay in the game in the long term.

    Adobe just reported a 45% increase in sales after the FCPX release. However, Apple has most likely seen a 1000% sales increase with the new pricing model and App store distribution. So although the 45% is good for Adobe, it tells us nothing about the real size of the market and Adobe’s share in it.

  4. Leo Hans says:


    Adobe may be happy, but if they had 10% of the NLE market share now they have ¿13%? ¿15%?

    It’s true that Steve Jobs once said: “Apple’s market share is bigger than BMW’s or Mercedes’s or Porsche’s in the automotive market. What’s wrong with being BMW or Mercedes?”

    Well, Adobe Premiere is not BMW nor Mercedes.

  5. Floris says:

    I do use Adobe software and the software is not bad but this blind Adobe/Avid adoration after the FCPX launch is a joke.

    Let’s judge all of the major NLE’s in a year or two. The film industry is in a paradigm shift (VDSLR, RED, low-budgets quality productions are in reach of students, teenagers with plenty of time to learn and affordable cams… journalism is shifting from networks to ordinary people… see Twitter/iReport/low quality YouTube on networks like CNN. NLE’s cannot stay as they always where… impossible. I am not saying Apple has gotten it right… but they are the first to acknowledge it is time for change.

    The others focus on broadcast… but broadcast/networks are also under pressure… so who says they are still around in their current form in 5 years? You have to equate all these things to judge the current situation. And time will tell who was right and who not.

  6. Dick Applebaum says:

    Somewhat off-topic question:

    Are pro editors experiencing competition from foreign countries?

    For film/video I am thinking India/Bollywood in particular?

    In the 1990s, I was semi-retired and created quality web sites. I would charge $100/hour, typically $10,000 per job.

    After several years, highly-skilled competition began to appear from India.

    They could deliver equal (or better) quality results for one-tenth to one-fifth of my rates.

    With the availability of high-speed internet, and digital capture it should be relatively easy to transfer compressed or Proxy media anywhere in the world for editing… and yes, you can have the Director looking over your shoulder from thousands of miles away.

    What made me think about was this:


  7. mike janowski says:

    Another load o’ crap from Crapple. No one I know around here in the Midwest is able to get their hands on any FCP7/FCS3 packages, and there’s a huge demand. My client at Tribune Media Group is waiting on 2 or 3…too bad they’re too honest not to just bootleg it.

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