These aren’t all the shortcuts I use, but they are my favorites. Add your favorites in the comments, below.
NOTE: It may be easier for FCP 7 editors moving to Premiere Pro CC to change the shortcut options in Premiere to match FCP 7 shortcuts. However, I prefer using Premiere shortcuts in Premiere and Final Cut shortcuts in Final Cut.
Shortcut | What It Does |
Cmd + I | Import Media |
Cmd + M | Export project media |
Option + Cmd + N | Create new project |
Cmd + N | Create new sequence |
Cmd + S | Save project |
I | Set the In |
Option + I | Delete the In |
O | Set the Out |
Option +O | Delete the Out |
Option + X | Delete the In and the Out |
V | Select the Selection (Arrow) tool |
S | Toggle Snapping on or off |
M | Set marker at the position of playhead |
~ | Toggle panel containing cursor full-screen |
Cmd | Toggle trim tool modes when hovering over edit point |
[ period ] | Perform an Overwrite edit |
[ comma ] | Perform an Insert edit |
Shift + 5 | Display the Effects Controls panel |
Shift + 7 | Display the Effects panel |
Cmd + T | Create a new title |
Cmd + R | Change clip speed or duration |
Cmd + D | Apply default transition to selected edit point or clip(s) |
Option + Left arrow / Option + Right arrow | Move selected edit point or clip one frame left / right |
Shift + Option + Left arrow / Shift + Option + Right arrow | Move selected edit point or clip ten frames left / right |
Cmd + L | Link/unlink audio from video |
Cmd + G | Group selected clips |
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