Moving Markers in Final Cut Pro

Posted on by Larry

[This article was first published in the July, 2010, issue of
Larry’s Final Cut Pro Newsletter. Click here to subscribe.]


Andy Lindsay asks:

Let’s say you might have accidentally put about 40 chapter markers into a sequence and only later realized you had put them all into clips rather than into the timeline. Is there some functionality to convert them from the clips into the timeline? Apparently DVD Studio Pro doesn’t recognize them when they are embedded in clips.

Larry replies: Sigh… Nope. Sorry, Andy, can’t be done in either FCP 6 or 7.

UPDATE – Aug. 10, 2010

Andreas Kiel adds:

Regarding FCP you’re totally right — but, as always, you may use XML to get out of the dilemma.


There is a little tool of mine which allows to ‘juggle’ markers within sequences. It currently doesn’t work with 10.6, but it’s free and can be downloaded from:

Larry replies: Andreas, thanks! It is always good to hear from you.

UPDATE – Aug. 12, 2010

Andreas Kiel adds:

After some of your readers asked for a Snow Leopard version I created one.


It can be found on the same site.

Don Hertz asks:

The question about Markers made me think about my own, many, questions about Markers and how slow they seem to be to work with after creation. Is there a way to slide a marker around once created? Secondly, is there a way to change the default color on markers? Last and most important – is there a way to select multiple markers and delete them?

Larry replies: Don, thanks for writing.

If you own FCP 6 or earlier, the answer to all three of your questions is, essentially, no.

In FCP 7:

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One Response to Moving Markers in Final Cut Pro

  1. Patty says:

    You can delete markers in FCP 7.
    If you highlight the track in timeline, move the cursor to the marker you want to delete, double click, and go to the motion window, then you can see the marker at the top of the viewer. you need to select the marker in the motion window, press M, and in the pop-up, you can select delete and it disappears.

    if you’re unlucky, you can accidentally place a new marker, just delete it and jiggle around the cursor in the motion window until you do highlight the offending marker and press M. It will go.


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