LTO Generation 9 Tape Drives Released – Stores Up To 18 TB per Tape

Posted on by Larry

Ultrium LTO, the trade group responsible for the LTO tape specifications, announced that LTO generation 9 drives (LTO 9) are now available.

LTO 9 tapes hold 50% more data than LTO 8 (18 vs. 12 TB) with a newly-established goal of doubling storage capacity with each new generation of drives.

NOTE: Media files are already compressed, so the 18 TB/tape figure applies. General business files such as Word, Excel or PowerPoint are not usually compressed, which is where the higher “compressed” storage number becomes relevant.

“LTO generation 9 specifications include previously introduced features, such as multi–layer security support via hardware–based encryption, WORM (Write–Once, Read–Many) functionality and support for Linear Tape File System (LTFS).

“The new LTO generation 9 specifications include full backward read and write compatibility with LTO generation 8 cartridges. These features help LTO tape maintain its unique position of a powerful, scalable, and adaptable open tape storage format that can provide more confidence for safe and secured offline storage, particularly in helping to prevent the impact of increasing cyberattacks.” ( website)

Yoyotta’s website also mentions that “the speed for full height LTO 9 drives increases from 360MB/s to 400MB/s. We have been testing LTO 9 for some time and YoYotta v3 (195) includes full support.”

Yoyotta has created a video detailing What’s New in LTO 9.

LTO tape is not as sexy as, say, the latest NVMe SSD, but when it comes to long-term, safe storage of media assets, LTO is impossible to beat. And there’s nothing better for backing up critical RAIDs and servers than LTO.

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