Export Chapter Marker List from Adobe Premiere Pro

Posted on by Larry

Recently, I needed to export a list of chapter markers and their timecode positions from a sequence in Adobe Premiere Pro. It wasn’t hard, but it also wasn’t obvious.

Compounding matters, I was on deadline. What I thought would work, didn’t. But, here’s what does.

This a portion of my edit – it’s a recent webinar containing captions, final mixed soundtrack, talking heads, screen shots and a B-roll. The red things at the top are the chapter markers. Just to be safe, I attached these to the timeline, not clips. (They may also export when attached to clips, but I didn’t have the time to find out.)

Naturally, I opened the sequence in the Timeline and chose File > Export > Markers.

Equally naturally, this didn’t work. Hm…

The secret is to select the sequence in the Project panel (or the Bin, if you have it stored in a bin).

Yup, that worked.

This dialog appears were you can choose to output a CSV (comma-separated values), text, or HTML file. For my purposes a CSV file was perfect. Here you also specify a storage location and file name.

Exporting the marker list is blindingly quick and the file size is microscopic; mine was 4 KB.

The exported file is easily opened in Microsoft Excel or Apple Numbers and looks like this.


Now that my deadline has passed, I spent a bit more time looking at this in Premiere. Chapter markers are displayed in the Markers panel, but there is no export option in the Markers panel itself.

When I was on deadline, this stopped me cold. So I scrambled to figure out a different way to export them.

However, when you display markers in the Markers panel, you can also export them using File > Export > Markers, as illustrated above.

So, there are two ways to export markers:

Whichever option you pick, you then choose File > Export > Markers.

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7 Responses to Export Chapter Marker List from Adobe Premiere Pro

  1. Dennis Mahaffay says:

    Great tutorial, Larry. Thank you!

  2. ABBY P says:

    Thank you! This is exactly what I was searching for today!

  3. Mike says:

    Thanks for this Larry. I came here looking to see how to export a Quicktime video with the chapters embedded in the video. Did you cover this yet? I’ll keep looking. Thanks!

  4. Gary Treese says:


    I was wondering if this will work if I want to create chapters in a DVD that I create in Roxio Toast. Is this a good work-around? Thanks. Gary

    • Larry says:


      It is worth a test, but I don’t think so. Markers need to be embedded in the video for them to be displayed in a movie. The Marker list, described here, is used when you need to display the markers separately from the video. I suspect Roxio will want markers in the movie itself.


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