Capturing Live Video

Posted on by Larry

[ This article was first published in the March, 2009, issue of
Larry’s Final Cut Pro Newsletter. Click here to subscribe. ]


Ted Cumpston writes:

I have a question for you to ponder. Our church is video taping our services. We want to be able to capture the video feed (SD) to a hard drive recording/playback device. Once captured, we then want to clean up the program in FCP and then transfer the edited program back to the drive for playback at another facility. So the question is, do you know of such a device that would allow this?

Larry replies: There are a number of products that do this. Here are three off the top of my head:

As for transferring the edited version – the easiest way is to copy the finished, edited file back to your hard drive, or you could FTP the finished output to the receiving site. I regularly use Transmit as my FTP client.

UPDATE – April 3, 2009

Andy Mees adds:

Regarding Ted Cumpston who asks about streamlining the post production for his church. I thought he might like to look at BoinxTV, quite a new software that may not be on everyone’s radar quite yet. Could be quite suitable for his needs:

It works with any valid video input sources connected to his Mac.

( … and hey, its worth a visit to the products webpages if only to marvel at the beauty of their website design!)

Larry replies: Andy, thanks for this.

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