Free (or Important) Resources for Video Editors

Here is a collection of more than two dozen websites providing resources for media professionals. Most of these are free. Other are simply important to know about.

If I missed your favorite, tell me in the comments and I’ll update this list.

NOTE: I also keep this list available on my website. — A comprehensive training website for Adobe and Apple media software featuring 2,700 written tutorials and hundreds of hours of video training.

The Inside Tips – Free weekly newsletters covering: Apple Final Cut Pro X, Apple Motion, Adobe Premiere Pro, Codecs & Media, Visual Effects and Random Media Weirdness. Written by Larry Jordan.

2 Reel Guys – Webisode series hosted by Norman Hollyn and Larry Jordan on the art of making a film, without going to film school.

Apple System Status – A real-time display showing all Apple services and their status. – Provides subscription-based royalty-free music and effects.

Audiio.Pro — Get unlimited music + sfx for your videos and a license that covers any platform in the world.

Audio Design Desk (ADD) – A Digital Audio Workstation merged with an enormous royalty free library that uses AI to assist editors in creating sound for their videos 10x faster than any other software. – Outstanding and extensive sound effects library recorded by Rick Viers.

Creative Cow – This site covers virtually every known creative tool. Worth visiting on a regular basis.

EditMentor — A website offering online training on story-telling for editors.

EditStock – Providing sample scenes and footage you can use to practice your story-telling and editing.

FCP.CO – A UK-based web resource covering Final Cut Pro.

FilmIndependent – Non-profit arts organization that supports independent film and filmmakers. – Free presets, LUTs, templates, and more. Emphasizes After Effects.

Future Media Concepts (FMC) – Apple certification exams for Final Cut Pro editors.

Getty Images – The 800-pound gorilla of stock footage, news, celebrity, and video collections.

Indiewire – Movie news, reviews, union developments, and industry gossip.

L.A. Creative Pro User Group – Everything you ever wanted to know about everything in post. Excellent forums.

L. A. Post-Production Group – This user group covers all of post-production, without being tied to any specific software or hardware. – All-in-one video & filmmakers platform including templates, presets, motion graphics, plugins, music, sound effects, videos and photos.

NoFilmSchool – Stories that make us better filmmakers — no film school required. – My favorite site for free images and video for projects and posts.

Philip Hodgetts Blog – Probably the most insightful blog on the post-production industry. – Extensive library of stock footage, music, sfx, After Effects templates, photos, 3D models, PSDs & illustrations.

Post Magazine – A weekly magazine covering the entire post-production industry. – Interesting interviews with filmmakers who matter. Edited by Randi Altman. – Covering video production, filmmaking, video editing, post production & music.

Ripple Training – Steve and Mark provide training, plugins and resources for a variety of software. – Millions of professional stock photos and videos. They also have a great blog. – High-quality, royalty-free music that you can adjust for mix and duration. – Subscription-based royalty-free music, images, and templates.

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17 Responses to Free (or Important) Resources for Video Editors

  1. – Video- music- image- templates Subscription Music and Effects – This site is also a Subscription site and worth every penny

    Kr Shaun

  2. Philip Snyder says:

    Kevin MacLeod’s

    I’ve been using his music for years. Lots of variety plus he answers questions.
    Great guy and great music.

  3. Bernard Tagholm says:

    Pond5 . Extensive library of stock footage, music, sfx, after effects, photos, 3D models, PSDs & illustrations. They give away a free clip each week if you subscribe to their newsletter.

  4. Mark says:

    I’ve found to be a great source for quality music. As an amateur, I appreciate being able to pay per project/usage, and not have to pay for a subscription.

    • Larry says:


      Thanks. While I understand why developers like subscriptions, as an editor/user, they are a pain in the posterior. I agree that paying per use makes more sense.


  5. Steve Warne says:

    Great list Larry. Another very useful one is
    Their free e-bulletin is excellent plus their free twice yearly e-magazine which has great tech reviews.

  6. Check out:
    Lot’s of reviews on the YouTube channel.

  7. Editing Tools has a lot of very niche but very useful free tools like timecode comments, xml to cue sheet converter, and various timeline conversion tools. 🙂 I haven’t yet needed any of them personally but I’ve heard great things.

  8. Tim says:

    Larry, you put your site first. Good for you – its a great resource.

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