Apple Updates Final Cut Pro, Motion & Compressor

Posted on by Larry

Here are the latest updates to Apple’s video applications, taken from Apple’s Release Notes for each product.

FINAL CUT PROversion 10.6.2

Release notes:

New Features

Final Cut Pro 10.6.2 also includes these additional fixes and enhancements:

MOTIONVersion 5.6.1

Release notes:

New Features

Motion 5.6.1 also includes these additional fixes and enhancements:

COMPRESSORVersion 4.6.1

Release notes:

New Features

Compressor 4.6.1 also includes these fixes and enhancements:

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6 Responses to Apple Updates Final Cut Pro, Motion & Compressor

  1. Shameer Mulji says:

    Not sure if you’ve seen this. Curious what your thoughts are

  2. Jeffrey says:

    Hi Larry,
    Do you know if we can send a motion file directly to compressor and get a GIF that plays in a browser? Every setting I have tried ends up just giving my a folder with an image sequence, dozens of pictures. Can’t get it to make an actual gif (when sent directly from motion).

    Any knowledge or advice?

    • Larry says:


      Yup. I just did it.

      * Create a Motion Project.
      * Choose File > Send to Compressor. The movie is added to the Job list.
      * In Motion, apply the setting: Motion Graphics > Animated Image (Large). That creates the GIF
      * The rest of the process in Compressor is the same as any other compression project.


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