FCP X: Copy/Paste Attributes [Video]

New with the 10.0.6 update to Final Cut Pro X is the ability to copy and paste effects attributes between one clip and another clip, or a group of clips.

In this short, four-minute Final Cut Pro X training video, I’ll show you how to use this new feature, including the ability to adjust keyframe timings based upon the difference between clip durations.

NOTE: This is a highlight from my extended training on the latest features in Final Cut Pro X. You can download the complete training or access all my video training via my new subscription membership.

TRT: 3:57 — QuickTime HD movie

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6 Responses to FCP X: Copy/Paste Attributes [Video]

  1. Lori says:

    Regarding Fianl Cut Pro X, is there a way to merge two projects? Or is there a way to convert a completed project into an event so I can merge it into another project? Or is there a way to import a project to an external drive and then import it into a different project?

    • Larry Jordan says:


      Since you can only have one project open at a time, the idea of “merging” projects is not generally relevant.

      1. You can copy and paste clips between projects.

      2. You can copy or move projects from one drive to another.

      3. You can merge Events which are stored on multiple hard drives to a single hard drive.

      4. You can move or copy Events from one drive to another.

      What problem are you trying to solve so that I can give you better advice?


      • Lori says:

        Hi Larry, and thank you for responding. We are trying to insert a completed commercial, which is a project in FCPX, into another project that is a television show, also in FCPX (all on same computer). My husband went back to the event browser to recreate the commercial within the show. However, it is double work, and there is one shot that we cannot get quite the same as it is in the original commercial project. Also, we will have outside commercials coming in (not sure of the format yet) that will need to be inserted into the show as well. Not sure how to do any of this; we are very new at this.

        • Larry Jordan says:


          Ah, that’s easy. Use a Compound clip.

          Create a Compound clip in the Event Browser. Open that into the Timeline and build your commercial into it. (If you already created a commercial, create the Compound clip and copy/paste your commercial into it.

          Then, whenever you need to add that commercial into a program, simply edit the Compound clip into the Timeline. This will do exactly what you want – and keep things both organized and simple.

          Here’s an article that describes this in more detail:


          There’s one update on this article. With the 10.0.6 release, changing a compound clip changes all iterations of that compound clip.


          • Lori says:


            Wow, thanks so much. One more question. Where can I go to find out the format of my project?



  2. Awesome tutorial. Helped me out so much. Your style of teaching is fantastic, thanks so much.

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