Webinar Excerpt: Can AI Be Trained Without Stealing?

Posted on by Larry

[ This is an excerpt from a recent webinar: “Video Meets AI – A Briefing” which is available as part of our Video Training Library. ]


Artificial intelligence, which we call AI, is causing seismic tremors of fear and loathing throughout the entire creative community. So this week I decided, rather than just cower in despair, to try to find out what’s real, what’s hype, and what we can do about it.

In this short snippet from the webinar, Sam Bogoch, Founder/CEO of Axle AI, explains whether it’s possible for AI to be trained without violating copyrights or stealing the creative work of others.


Webinar Excerpt: Can AI Be Trained Without Stealing?

TRT: 2:06 — MPEG-4 HD movie


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