[This is an excerpt from a recent PowerUP webinar: Reading Video Scopes and Color Correction In Premiere Pro CC, which you can download from our store. You can also access all our webinars by becoming a subscriber.]
Video scopes enable you to analyze your images and decide what you need to do to make them look better. Video scopes work the same, whether you are using Apple Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere Pro, Avid Media Composer, or any other video editing software.
There are two components of any video image: it’s gray scale values and it’s color values. Gray-scale values are displayed on the Waveform Monitor. Color values are displayed on the Vectorscope.
This short video tutorial explains the different gray-scale categories so that you can better understand what a Waveform Monitor is telling you about your images.
TRT: 3:45 — QuickTime HD movie
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