Transcoding HDV to ProRes

Posted on by Larry

[ This article was first published in the March, 2011, issue of
Larry’s Final Cut Pro Newsletter. Click here to subscribe. ]


Mario V., from Peru, asks:

I use an HDV camera, Canon VIXIA HV30. It’s not really a professional camera, but offers good image quality.


When I capture the respective footage, I set up Apple ProRes 422, right? what happen if I set up ProRes 422 HQ? the image quality will be the same than ProRes 422?


When everything is captures and I start the editing. A sequence could keep the “Same as source” because it was already captures with the ProRes 422? or do I select again manually ProRes422

Larry replies: Mario, for HDV, the best version of ProRes to use is ProRes 422, or ProRes 422 LT, if you are using FCP 7. There is no need for ProRes 422 HQ.

When you start editing, be sure to say YES to changing the sequence settings to match the clip settings.

And thanks for writing!

UPDATE – March 5, 2011

Ben Balser writes:

Oh my word, the number of FCP problems I find related to folks using ProRes HQ on inadequate hardware floors me. It is such a huge monster! ProRes LT is being used by the high end indie film, corporate, and broadcast professionals in my local market, who shoot with DSLR and/or HDV cameras. Several of us have tested, and find LT more than enough to handle DSLR/HDV footage. IMHO, HQ needs to come with a warning label, and/or a child-proof cap on the bottle.

Larry replies: Ben, thanks for writing.

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