[ This is an excerpt from a recent on-line webinar: “Unlock the Power and Emotion in Fonts” which is available as a download in our store, or as part of our Video Training Library. ]
Fonts are the easiest way to telegraph an emotion – and they don’t require any design skills from us. In this short video tutorial, Larry Jordan illustrates several font design tips to help you choose which fonts to use in your next video project.
Tips to Help You Make Better Font Choices
TRT: 3:52 — MPEG-4 HD movie
Fonts are the easiest way to telegraph an emotion – and they don’t require any design skills from us. If our goal is to tell stories, the best stories touch our emotions – and the right fonts help. Yet, all too often, we overlook this power because we don’t understand how it works.
In this session, Larry Jordan illustrates the eight different font families and the emotions each one projects. He explains how to pick the right font for your project, common design traps to avoid and three key techniques to help you work with fonts more effectively. Whether you work in video or motion graphics, fonts are a powerful tool you can use to trigger an emxotional response in your audience.
This session covers:
Fonts span languages, emotions and applications. Discover how to put their power – and emotions – to work in your next project.
This entry-level session does not require any software knowledge and applies equally to anyone using fonts in any application on Windows or Mac.
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