The True Power of Video

Posted on by Larry

It is easy, in the day-to-day business of earning a living in media, to overlook the impact our cameras and software can create.

This letter, from David Van Hooser, arrived yesterday.



The recent horrible war going on in Ukraine has often brought to my mind the power and purpose of ‘visual persuasion.’ I don’t mean that as what might be called propaganda, but as a means of using sight and sound to tell the truth to the world.

We live in a time when almost every person has a camera in her/his pocket. The reality of what is happening in Ukraine can be easily recorded and sent around the world. That is why we see what we see. And the ability that some people in Ukraine have to put those images together with emotional music and sparse text makes their message asking for help and hope even more powerful. The power of that is obviously recognized by the dictator who does all he can to keep that message from getting to his own people.

It’s just occurred to me over the past weeks how we are seeing the power of video play out in the real world — not to sell a product or service, but to possibly save a nation and millions of lives. It shouldn’t escape anyone’s attention what a powerful tool we deal with in our daily lives.

David van Hooser
Nashville, TN


Larry adds: Remember, always, the capacity and power we each have to create change.

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2 Responses to The True Power of Video

  1. Ozi says:

    I agree, but we do not live in an ideal world, on the contrary, our world is cruel and often very hypocritical and there is also an flip side of that coin:

    • Larry says:


      Agreed, the world is not always a nice place. But, it is easy for us to overlook the potential power of the tools we wield on a daily basis.


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