The Time Has Come to Say Goodbye – for a while…

I began my company almost fifteen years ago to support myself as an Apple trainer. Over the years it grew to become what it is today – a staff of ten, creating news, information and training for a worldwide audience. We’ve produced hundreds of hours of audio and video programming, along with thousands of tutorials – releasing new material every week.

What we have accomplished is amazing – but, I’m exhausted. Also, while our new state-of-the-art production studio allowed me to create programs and training that I would never have been able to create otherwise, it became a “Bridge Too Far” in that it never generated the revenue we needed to support it. I can no longer afford to keep it.

I love our industry – I’ve been working in media and technology for almost 50 years, starting in high school. I can’t imagine working anywhere else. But our industry is changing and I need some time to step back and see where it’s headed. I can’t do that running a company that’s creating so much original content every week. The deadlines are too tight. My team and I are running so quickly amidst the trees that we aren’t able to see the larger forest.

So, the time has come for me to move in a different direction; though I am not yet sure what that direction is.

For the next few weeks, we will continue doing weekly webinars, all our websites will continue to work, new material will be added every week into our Video Training Library and there will be a new Digital Production Buzz every Thursday.

However, changes are coming. My last newsletter will be Feb. 29 (cool that it ends on Leap Year’s Day). Our last live Wednesday Webinar will be Wednesday, March 2. The Buzz will continue for the next few weeks, but we’ll make a decision in March on how and whether to continue the show.

If you are a member of our Video Training Library, ALL our training remains online with new titles added for the next month. Later today, all current members will get an email from Debbie describing how our service will evolve going forward.

I will be keeping all my currently scheduled speaking and training commitments – like BVE, corporate training, user group training and such scheduled from now till May. I may be moving on, but I’m not dead.

This also means that, starting immediately, I’m looking for buyers for both the and websites. I’ve spent years building these into worldwide resources for our industry; generating millions of viewers. I’m looking for a partner to take these over and continue to grow them into the future.

Thinking of partners, I’m delighted to announce that we have a new partnership with CreativeLIVE. During the next few weeks, all of my downloadable training will be moving to their website. Plus, I’ll be creating new training for them in the coming months.

Here’s my new landing page on their website:

Think of this landing page as a sneak peek. A few initial titles are already on their website. The “Official Launch” will occur the first week in March. I’ll keep you informed.

– – –

A company is products and customers, of course, but for me, a company is the people in it. One of the saddest things, for me, is saying goodbye to one of the most skilled, dedicated and talented teams I’ve ever worked with. They make coming into work a joy. I count on their guidance and advice every day. They deserve special mention, as many of you have dealt with them on the phone or email:

It is an extraordinary group; which makes saying goodbye all the harder. I will miss them.

I also need to thank my wife, Jane. Running a small business is a never-ending challenge, with no set hours and continual interruptions. The fact we have been able to grow and accomplish so much is due to her love and support. This company would not exist without her and I am deeply and humbly grateful.

And I will miss you. The motto of our company is: “Helping media pros get jobs, improve their skills and keep clients happy.” These are good goals to dedicate a life. I love teaching and sharing ideas with you. I enjoy spending Sundays thinking about and writing my weekly newsletter. I am challenged every day by your emails and doing my best to answer your questions.

But the time has come to move on.

The reason I’m telling you now is that I want to give you time to get the training you need, my staff time to get ready to move into the next phase of their lives, and me time to wrap things up cleanly.

It is time to say goodbye, but not to our industry, nor to you. I’m looking forward to whatever the future brings – and happy to consider any invitations. In the meantime, I have two great websites and a really killer studio that all need a new home.

Take care, it has been an amazing time. I’m honored that I could share it with you. I wish you all the success in the world.

Stay in touch.


P.S. I am amazed, stunned and humbled by everyone’s comments. Overwhelmed, actually. I just wish I could have found another solution. Thank you very, very much for all your kind words.

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276 Responses to The Time Has Come to Say Goodbye – for a while…

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  1. Mike Hazey says:

    Thanks for all the great videos, tips and advice over the years.
    Best of luck to you in your new ventures.

  2. Jillian says:

    Larry, while this is very sad news, I know we’ll be seeing so much more from you and I’m excited to see where you go next. I’ve always been sad that since switching to Premiere, I’ve not been able to continue watching your Final Cut X videos 🙁 You have been an invaluable resource for me. I’m so sorry that this is coming to an end for you. I look forward to seeing what you come up with next!

    PS: any sense in doing a kickstarter campaign? People love you!

  3. Pasquale says:

    **CONGRATULATIONS!!! and a BIG thank you for all of your help and guidance through the years. I have been with you from FCP 1.0 …funny I don’t feel that old.

    “You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop”

    ** knowing when to hold ’em and when to fold ’em.

  4. Eb - Ere says:

    Thank you for all your newsletters and tutorials etc. You got me interested in editing and loved your tutorials. You got me interested in this field as my hobby. I can’t imagine the tremendous effort and financial strain in what you have built. We thank you.

    I wish you the best in your next path.


  5. Caesar Darias says:

    Dear Larry:

    I’m feeling very sad… and upset.

    Thank you so much for your top-notch work. You taught me FCP. I’m going to miss your training.

    I also love your sense of humor. I loved listening to your training and always looked forward to comments such as “let’s fix this color so he’ll look as if he’ll live past Tuesday.”

    You gotta love it.

    This is also very scary. If somebody of the caliber of Larry Jordan cannot make this work then there’s a serious problem.

    If Larry’s business model, with his expertise, experience, contacts and resources, does not work, who in the world can make a living doing this?

    If Apple has half-a-brain they’ll hire Larry and make him their in-house video training producer. It’s about time that they do more to help their customers with on-line training.

    I hope you’re retaining your email list. Please let us know what you’re doing next.

    Good luck, Larry.


    Caesar Darias

  6. Jim Vine says:

    I repeat, like so many before me Larry, your help in moving me from FCP6 to FCPX was nothing short of amazing. There are many teachers in this world, but only a few who motivate their students to a high standard of excellence. You are one of these.

    Many thanks, and may God bless you and your wife in your future endeavours.

  7. David says:

    Larry, this doesn’t seem like a fade out, more like a dissolve. Your resources have proved almost invaluable over time and I’m glad I had the opportunity to learn and grow from your experience. May you and your family and staff have the best of good health and good fortune in all your endeavors going forward. And, with the host of others who have benefitted from your creativity, I’m looking forward to the sequel…

    Best regards,

    David Smith

  8. Rich Gedney - Atlanta, Georgia says:

    Sorry to hear that you are leaving. I had met Cirina Catania at the Atlanta Cutters a few months back when she was speaking before the group. Which in turn brought me to your site and amazing group of professionals and professional content. Your content is always topical and I’ve learned a great deal in the months I have watched your programming and interviews. I wish all the best in your future endeavors.

  9. Jan den Hartog says:

    Don’t know what to buy now, but if I can do a donation to help, I’ll do.
    Otherwise: good luck!

    Jan den Hartog.

  10. Charlie says:

    I’m shocked and saddened by this news. Your trainings are by far the most informative and provided a entertaining way to learn FCP. They have been invaluable in helping my wife and I create online video courses in Nutrition and Cooking.

    I have no doubt that someone of your skill and knowledge will land on your feet and find a new direction to pursue…though the road will probably not be an easy one.

    My heart and prayers go out to you, your staff and wife as you all move through this difficult transition. The best we can do is to keep a positive attitude and trust that something good will come from all of this.

    Reading the above replies shows me that you have touched people all over the world (even in Alaska were I live) and the good you have provided will live on each and everyone of us.

    All of the best to you,
    Charlie Renideo

    p.s. I have purchased your full FCP X course and I hope that it will help you in some small way. I know that this will provide me with many hours invaluable training.

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