The New Transcribe to Captions in Apple Final Cut Pro 11 [v]

[ This is an excerpt from a recent webinar: “New Features in Apple Final Cut Pro 11” which is available as a download in our store, or as part of our Video Training Library. ]


The new Transcribe to Captions automatically generates text captions from clips in the Final Cut timeline. It fast and dead easy to use… except, there’s one small problem: It creates captions in the wrong format.

In this demo, Larry Jordan illustrates what this new feature is, how to use it, and how to convert captions from one format to another.


The New Transcribe to Captions in Final Cut Pro 11

TRT: 5:39 — MPEG-4 HD movie



With the release of Final Cut Pro 11, Apple introduced a variety of new features – from more than a dozen new keyboard shortcuts to improved captions to amazing effects.

In this session, Larry Jordan covers them all:

(The Magnetic mask – by itself – is a stunning, and extremely useful, effect!)

Join us and, in less than 25 minutes, you’ll know how each of these can save you time and improve the look of your next Final Cut project.


This is an intermediate-level session. Some knowledge of Final Cut will be helpful – though not required – to understand these new features.

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