The New Import Interface in Adobe Premiere Pro 22.3

Posted on by Larry

First, it’s important to stress that everything that used to work when importing media still works. Adobe simply added a new, easier-to-use interface to simplify importing media.

Their goal was to enable new users of Premiere Pro to quickly find and import media without worrying about codecs, frame rates or all the other technology that makes video editing so intimidating. The tech isn’t gone, just minimized.


(Click to see larger image.)

When you create a new project, this screen appears. Common storage locations on the left, sample media in the middle and import settings on the right.

Navigate to the folder holding your media to view thumbnails in the center panel.

The settings across the top center:

  1. Change the size of the thumbnails
  2. Display thumbnails
  3. Display list view with metadata
  4. Change the sort order
  5. Display files by video, audio, images, or all
  6. Select files by camera type
  7. Search for files by name

The current path is displayed at the top left. To make the currently displayed location a Favorite, click the star. To “unfavorite” it, click the star again. (Hollow is not a favorite.) Favorite locations appear in the top left corner of the interface.

To import clips, click the clips you want in the main display. Thumbnails show up at the bottom, in the order they were clicked.

Adjust the Import settings at the top right:

I like creating a new bin when importing new media. Since this interface is only used when creating a new project, there’s no need – or ability – to import media into an existing bin.

Click the Create button when you are done.

BIG NOTE: This creates a new project, but doesn’t save it. Remember to save the project once the main Premiere interface appears.


When it comes time to import additional media into a project, you have several choices:


The settings in Copy Media are the same as those in the Media Browser, when you click the Wrench icon. Creating import presets is the same as earlier versions.


Here’s a tutorial on how to create ingest presets.

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One Response to The New Import Interface in Adobe Premiere Pro 22.3

  1. Pons says:

    Hate this “improvement”. Adobe just made my life more difficult with this import and export AND the new header…because they want folks who don’t know how to use the app to not get brain hurt. It would be smart of them to allow those of us who have a process in place to be able to choose whether we want to use the new pages or continue working w/what works and has worked. I’m baffled trying to start a new project. And,the export page was not a help but a hiinderance. I gave up and sent the file to Media Encoder where I could then apply my custom preset.

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