The Ken Burns Effect vs. Keyframes in Apple Final Cut Pro 11 [v]

[ This is an excerpt from a recent webinar: “Ask Larry Anything!” which is available as a download in our store, or as part of our Video Training Library. ]


The “Ken Burns” effect provides automated image animation and it works for both horizontal and vertical projects. But there are several cases where keyframes work better. Larry Jordan illustrates both in this short video.


The “Ken Burns” Effect vs. Keyframes in Apple Final Cut Pro 11

TRT: 7:35 — MPEG-4 HD movie



This session, hosted by Larry Jordan, focused on four key areas:

Key discussions include:

This is a fascinating session because there’s always something new to learn at an “Ask Larry” session.


Subjects range from beginning to advanced. If a particular subject doesn’t interest you, just wait a minute and it will change.

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