The Incredible Broom Cam!

Posted on by Larry

creativityIn our never-ending search for the latest and greatest in production and post-production technology we came across something that is likely to sweep the industry: The Incredible Broom Cam!

No where else in the pages of history will you find product reviews of this caliber. Let me brush my notes together to get a handle on this new low in technology.

Yup, this device cleans floors while you clean-up at all the major awards shows.

“Broom cams,” you say, “Pshaw… why those grip guys on ‘Grimm’ got there first.”  Maybe. Perhaps the inspiration came from the Grimm prototype developed by Ross Berryman, the DP on “Grimm.”

The origins of the Broom Cam are most-likely lost on the trash heaps of time. And, besides, let us not let true facts stand in the way of making up a few of our own. This latest iteration was developed by John Putch who, when he’s not inventing high-tech cleaning products, is directing television series such as “Scrubs,” “Cougar Town,” “Ugly Betty” and “Outsourced.”

NOTE: There is no truth to the rumor that he first named this the “CleanSweep Eight.”

“What you see here,” John told me, “is a Blackmagic Design Pocket Cinema Camera feeding an HDMI monitor.”

The built-in monitor on the handle allows you to see what you are about to run into before you actually run into it. John calls this “look-forward” capability, “prescience.”

When I asked John why he felt inspired to create this, he replied: “I wanted a super low angle sliding across the floor; following some feet in a long hallway. You can’t get this low to the ground with a motion picture camera.”

True words. This does take television to new depths.

“[I’m] using it on my next episode of the TV show ‘Rush-Hour.’ The soft bristles of the indoor grade push-broom give it a smooth, comfortable ride. I can mount any small camera on this rig no problem.”

John continues, “Here, for example, a DJI Osmo camera feeds a wireless image to an iPad. [At Putch Labs, we] prefer low-tech and homemade film gadgetry, as you might suspect. ”

However, the big news with the latest upgrade, is that John has added lights! “It’s a revelation, lights enable you to see – especially when its dark,” John said brightly.


No, these aren’t available for sale. But I wanted to share the inside scoop with you. Not all high-quality production products are seen first at major trade shows. Sometimes, they push their way into our consciousness simply by how easy they are to handle.

This idea simply bristles with possibility.

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NOTE: John loves creating small, independent feature films in his spare time outside Putch Labs. Take a look at his latest trailer here:

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25 Responses to The Incredible Broom Cam!

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  1. I generally use this for “pickup” shots.

  2. Steve says:

    Can’t help bristling at all these puns. No chance of cleaning up with them.

  3. Jeff Cipin says:

    Broomcam leaves other low angle shooting techniques in the dust.
    As they say, “Pun, tilt, invoice.”

  4. Dan Katz says:

    Stick around for more puns from the dustbin of history

  5. With the proper broom you can make live action shots during a quidditch game!

  6. The proof is in the pushing.

  7. Mark Suszko says:

    This would be good for imitating the low angle tracking shot of the Travolta strut from Saturday Night Fever. Also a dog or cat POV. It’s actually genius.

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