Visibility Lights Affect Up/Down Arrow Keys

Posted on by Larry

[ This article was first published in the September, 2006, issue of
Larry’s Final Cut Pro Newsletter. Click here to subscribe. ]


Lisa, one of my students, discovered a visibility light feature that I didn’t know – they have an effect on how the up/down arrow keys behave.

First, the visibility lights are the glowing green buttons on the extreme left side of your timeline. When the light is green, the track is “visible.” That means you can hear the audio or see the video contained on that track.

If the light for a track is dark, it means that the audio is inaudible, or the video is invisible. This has a variety of uses in effects and exporting, but for now, we want to look at something different. You change the setting of a visibility light by clicking on it.

Load a sequence with multiple edits. Pressing the up/down arrow keys jumps to the next/previous edit point. Now, turn off the visibility lights on some of the tracks. Pressing the up/down arrow keys skips all edit points on tracks whose visibility light is dark.

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