Viewing Thumbnails in the Browser

Posted on by Larry

[ This article was first published in the October, 2006, issue of
Larry’s Final Cut Pro Newsletter. Click here to subscribe. ]

John Gallagher sent in the following technique:

I’m sure you know of these tips, but I’ve only just found it out myself, so I thought I’d share it just in case you or some readers find it useful.


  1. In the Browser, show Thumbnails by Right- or Control-clicking on the column headings and choosing Show Thumbnails


  3. In each thumbnail you can click in the box, hold down the left mouse button and move your mouse to the left or right to move along your clip

  5. When you want to use the current frame as a poster frame, whilst holding the left mouse button, you can press Control-P to set the poster frame, then let go of the left button


The other thing that I’ve wanted to do for ages is to have transitions with different parameters in my Favorites – i.e. several Cross Dissolves with different lengths so I could take my pick quickly and easily. I could alter the value from within the columns, but somehow I like doing it via the Transition Editor.


I tried to do this by double clicking to edit the effect then altering the parameters, but the values were never saved. The answer lies in the little hand icon at the top right of the Viewer. Simply drag the hand icon back to the Browser after altering the parameters and the transition, complete with its different parameters, will be saved.

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