[ This article was first published in the September, 2009, issue of
Larry’s Final Cut Pro Newsletter. Click here to subscribe. ]
Donald Riley sent me this:
I’ve been using your training disks for over a year now and would be lost without them, thanks very much. Your newsletter and The BuZZ are superb as well. As just an amateur I’m hesitant to mix with you Pro’s, but I thought you might appreciate these two sites to reference others who ask questions about the subject of 64-bit.
This is a really good discussion of the whole issue of 64-bit applications, written in a very non-threatening, non-technical manner. He also includes a simple tester you can use on your system.
Keep in mind, that the whole issue of 64-bits only applies to Snow Leopard. If you haven’t upgraded – and I still don’t recommend it – you don’t need the software, yet.
This site provides a software switch that allows you to toggle between 32-bit and 64-bits in Snow Leopard.
Larry adds: Donald, these are great. Thanks for sending them! And never worry about being an amateur. Nobody knows everything — ESPECIALLY us “Pros.”
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