Soundtrack Pro Audio Files

Posted on by Larry

[ This article was first published in the February, 2011, issue of
Larry’s Final Cut Pro Newsletter. Click here to subscribe. ]


This is the first of two questions from Anita Talevski, who asks:

Please if you could answer some questions because I am seriously stuck and I need to move forward. I shot some interview video outside in different locations, by the pacific ocean, in a park, in the ocean, etc. . .and I want to clean up the audio.


I exported a 10 minute FCP sequence to Soundtrack and learned that this is not the way to apply effects in order to clean up audio. If, one would like to repair audio in a clip 5 min into the piece How the heck does one do this?.


How would you get the clip you want into Soundtrack.


What I tried is this: I did a Send to ‘Soundtrack multitrack project’ but it does not seem to work per clip. It works per sequence. Thus, if I change each clip into its own sequence or group of clips then I can send them to soundtrack pro and do multi track editing.


However, I need to edit the Audio file but I just cannot seem to get the clips to become audio files. (is there a button to turn a multi track project into an audio file project? )


I have tried to save the audio file on my Hard Drive and then in Soundtrack, in order to work on an Audio File Project, I locate the file in the browser but it will not open.


Basically this, I have a 10 min video that I need to repair sound by applying effects to different clip within the piece.


How do I go about doing this?

Larry replies: While you can use Soundtrack Pro scripts to batch process audio clips I find these to be VERY dangerous because you are modifying the source files on your hard disk, with no opportunity for an undo.

For this reason, I recommend that you consider noise removal to be only done to a single clip at a time, not to a collection of clips or group of ranges within a single clip.

The easiest way to do this is to:

Your clip is then automatically updated in the multi-track project.

Do this as many times as you have clips to fix.

Anita continues:

Thx, that seems to work OK except only one audio track is loaded to the Audio file project window and the whole part of the clip not what I have cut/’clipped out’ for the sequence.


Thus, I’m hearing dialogue that is not included in the piece.


When I tried to do a Control-click on a clip and select Send to Audio FIle in STP from FCP that part is in grey so I cannot choose this option which would help except in the past when i have tried this and saved to the HD they are not there in the Browser window of STP.


Have any clue why either of these things are happening.


I really appreciate you getting back to me. I thank you very much. Its a big help.

Larry replies: Right. That’s the way an audio file works.

So, simply select – by dragging across the portion of the clip you want to change. Also, at the top of the timeline window, you’ll see two gray markers with a bar between them. This represents the In and the Out of the clip you have loaded into the Audio Project.

You can select between markers by double-clicking.

Here’s the second question Anita Talevski asked.

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