[This article was first published in the December, 2010, issue of
Larry’s Monthly Final Cut Studio Newsletter. Click here to subscribe.]
Willian Aleman sent me this:
If there is a clip generator or any clip in a top track (over imposed) in the Timeline, the clip under the top track becomes invisible making it impossible to edit using Playhead > Open Sync. This affects also the view in an external monitor. This is very common when working with a multiclip in the Timeline having a clip generator-text or any clip in the top track. The issue also appears when using Show Multiclip Angles from View > External Video. However, this behavior doesn’t affect the external monitor when the Canvas is selected.
So far I have found three workaround to this behavior.
- To lock the top track when editing using Open Sync.
- To use Clip Enable to hide the content of the top track.
- To wait until the final editing is done to place in the top tracks any clip generator, as text or graphic.
I hope this helps someone.
Larry replies: Thanks, Willian, for sending this to me.
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