Send Sequences Between Adobe Premiere Pro and DaVinci Resolve

Posted on by Larry

There are several reasons why you might want to send a sequence from Premiere Pro to DaVinci Resolve: Fro example, to create more complex effects in Fusion or do more detailed color correction on the Color page. If so, you need to know how to send those files and bring the back.

“XML is one of the most straightforward methods of bringing edits with as many video tracks as you need from different NLEs into DaVinci Resolve. XML import has the added benefit of allowing a variety of supported effects to be imported along with the edit data, as well as multiple tracks of video data.” (Resolve User Guide)

NOTE: Before you start, know that Resolve does not import AIF files. If you use AIF audio in your sequence, convert it to WAV and replace all AIFF media with WAV in Premiere.


NOTE: This Translation Report is a text file, saved to your desktop.

Quit Premiere, you are done with it for a while.

NOTE: XML files are human “readable” but, um, not necessarily human understandable.


However, if you need to make changes, here are the field definitions, according to the Resolve User Guide

Click OK when you’re done.

The sequence and all its media are imported and ready for final polishing.

NOTE: If there’s a problem finding a clip, Resolve will pop up an error message. You can then relink the file manually, if necessary. Missing media are indicated in red in all timelines.


If you want to send files back to Premiere for final output you generally face two options: Send the audio files or send the color-graded video files.

If you mixed the audio in Fairlight

In the Deliver page choose:

  1. Custom export
  2. Give the file a name and destination
  3. Choose Render as single clip to export the completed mix
  4. Make sure Export Audio is checked
  5. Set the Codec to Linear PCM (which means uncompressed audio)
  6. Choose the Bus to output. Generally, this is the bus with the main mix.

NOTE: If you need to export stems, the easiest method is to export each stem individually, selecting the appropriate bus for each export; dialog, sound effects or music.

To import an audio file into Premiere

If you color-graded video or created visual effects

With the project open, go to the Deliver page. Choose:

  1. Custom export
  2. Give the file a name and destination
  3. If you want to render the complete movie (which means you don’t plan to relink or edit individual clips) choose Single clip. If you want to bring the clips back into Premiere to add titles, effects or other processing, choose Individual clips.
  4. Make sure Export Video is checked. (If you don’t need to export audio, click the Audio button and uncheck Export Audio.)
  5. For highest image quality, choose QuickTime ProRes 4444.
  6. Unless you are specifically instructed to do so, do NOT choose Interlaced Rendering or Network optimization.
  7. Adjust Resolution, if needed
  8. Adjust Frame Rate, if needed.
  9. If you want to create chapter markers, check this option and select the correct marker color.

If you are exporting individual clips, add these steps:

Click the File button:

In Premiere:


The process isn’t hard, but I strongly recommend you practice this when deadlines are not looming so you can see precisely how this will work for your project.

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