Quick-Change Audio

Posted on by Larry

[ This article was first published in the Sept/Oct, 2007, issue of
Larry’s Final Cut Pro Newsletter. Click here to subscribe. ]

Dave Victorson writes:

Your seminar in San Diego was great. I truly appreciate your patience in responding to my questions before, during and after each break. Virtually everything was over the top outstanding.


My question: Is there a way to slightly tweak, I mean just slightly tweak a voice so that the same woman would sound like a different woman but not a strange woman. I jokingly refer to this as “The Madonna Filter.” I don’t need Madonna but just need a housewife to sound like a different housewife.

Larry replies: Yup. Here’s how.

1) Select the clip you want to modify in your timeline.


Audio 1


2) Apply the Effects > Audio Filters > Apple > AUPitch filter


3) Double-click to load the clip into the Viewer and click the Filters tab.


Audio 2


4) Gently change the Pitch setting until the voice sounds suitably “different.” Generally a number between 120 and 300 will do the trick — positive numbers raise the pitch, negative numbers lower the pitch.


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