[ This article was first published in the September, 2008, issue of
Larry’s Final Cut Pro Newsletter. Click here to subscribe. ]
Paul Tait, from somewhere in Australia, writes:
Which brings up a recurring problem I have always been going to ask about but forgot. Without warning, during an edit session, the firewire goes haywire as FCP re-sets itself to 60Hz. The firewire operates for obvious reasons as it is delivering to a 50 Hz, deck and TV, which is the only reason I notice it immediately.
So my cure after many distressing trials is to set my capture settings to something else in the list like DVCPro close the program, open it again and then re-set it back to DV PAL 48Kz. i suspect this is something to do with FCP being designed around 60 Hz so it defaults back to that sometimes.
Larry replies: Paul, first the photo of six kangaroos in your back yard made me envious — I only see coyotes.
Second, whenever you trash or delete Final Cut preference files, FCP will reset back to NTSC DV 48kHz audio. My guess is that this reset happens whenever your preferences get trashed.
I don’t think Final Cut inherently thinks NTSC, but that when things reset, FCP resets to its default settings which is NTSC.
Hope this helps.
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