The May, 2020, update to Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 brought several new features to the software, the biggest being support for all versions of ProRes on Windows as well as hardware acceleration for H.264 and HEVC, also on Windows.
But, there are two smaller additions that are worth illustrating:
In the lower right corner of the Effect Controls panel, a new “funnel” icon appears. When clicked, we can view all effect settings, just settings that have been modified, or just settings that have keyframes.
Here’s an example. This clip has keyframes for scale and opacity, with a modified setting for rotation; though rotation doesn’t have any keyframes.
Show Only Edited Properties. This shows only effects that were altered (where the effect values are different from the default settings). Notice that rotation is included, but all default effects settings are hidden.
Show Only Keyframed Properties. This shows only effects that have keyframes applied. Now, only scale and opacity are visible.
To reset things back to normal, set the funnel to Show All Properties.
The default color of a marker is green. A green color is assigned to any marker you create using the shortcut “M”. To change this preference, you can set keyboard shortcuts for each marker color.
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