PostPerspective at the NAB Show New York 2024

Posted on by Larry


Randi Altman
Founder & Editor-in-Chief


In this interview, Larry and Randi discuss how PostPerspective has evolved over the last 15 years, the impact of AI and how the media industry will get past the challenges it’s currently facing.


PostPerspective at the NAB Show New York City

TRT: 11:04 — MPEG-4 HD movie


For a list of all our video interviews at the NAB Show New York 2024,  click here.

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4 Responses to PostPerspective at the NAB Show New York 2024

  1. Paul says:

    Good interview, Larry. I’m probably reading the tea-leaves of her responses but felt to me as if she was searching a little hard to find things to be optimistic about. It is tough on the coasts. Hopefully it will recover but now I’m hearing it may take as long as the middle of 2025 to shake out and bounce back.

    • Larry says:


      Broadcast and the “high-end” is in trouble. But individuals and companies focused on social media are booming. The market is shifting.


  2. Dennis Mahaffay says:

    Great interview, Larry. She was candid and informative.

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