Optimize Preferences in Adobe Premiere Pro v25 [v]

[ This is an excerpt from a recent webinar: “Essential Workflow in Adobe Premiere Pro v25” which is available as a download in our store, or as part of our Video Training Library. ]


Most of the preference settings in Adobe Premiere Pro are fine. But… not all of them. In this short video, Larry Jordan shows which preferences you need to change and why these changes improve performance.


Optimize Preferences in Adobe Premiere Pro v25

TRT: 5:26 — MPEG-4 HD movie



Adobe Premiere Pro has evolved a lot over the years. This session showcases a complete workflow through the application, from import to editing to export, along with highlighting the latest features in the 2025 release.

During this session, Larry Jordan will cover:

If you need an overview of how to edit in Premiere from start to finish, this session is for you.


This is a beginning-level session. While some computer experience is necessary, you don’t need to to know anything about Premiere Pro itself.

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