ADD Launches FCP Audio Bridge – New Audio Extension for Final Cut Pro

Posted on by Larry

Today, Audio Design Desk released a new audio extension specifically for Final Cut: FCP Audio Bridge. This vastly simplifies finding, editing, timing and modifying sound effects and music – directly within Final Cut. An extension is a lot more than a plugin. It’s advanced software that runs an entire application inside Final Cut.

Image courtesy of Audio Design Desk. (Click to see larger image.)

Audio Design Desk (ADD) is a tool that’s intended to make finding and placing sound for film simple. Whether it’s sound effects, sound design or music, ADD lets you quickly and easily place a sound and then replace it with an alternate, while maintaining sync. For example, let’s say you’re transitioning from one scene to another and you want a sound to accent that moment. You can press the letter T for transition and ADD places a transition sound in the Final Cut timeline for you. To change to a alternate sound, press Cmd+R. ADD swaps the original with an alternate. Repeat until you find the sound that’s right for your project.

Image courtesy Audio Design Desk. (Click to see larger image.)

(Click to see larger image.)

In fact, as you play the timeline and watch your show, press:

These keys place sound effects directly in the timeline from a database of tens of thousands of sounds. Called “triggers,” these special keystrokes not only add sounds, but sync them to the Final Cut timeline. Then, with a single keystroke, you can call up another version. And another. And another…

With FCP Audio Bridge, you can find a specific sound effect and add it to the timeline without ever leaving Final Cut. It even links Logic to Final Cut Pro for those people who want to score or mix while editing.

The extension is available now – in beta form – from the ADD website, though they aren’t announcing it for another week. You get to know first!

ADD Website:


This is very cool!

I first worked with ADD when it was a stand-alone application. It was impressive even at its first release. It has only improved since then. I’m looking forward to reviewing this new version in the next few weeks. Here are my two most recent reviews of the software:

  1. July, 2021:
  2. Oct. 2020:

Image courtesy of Audio Design Desk. (Click to see larger image.)

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4 Responses to ADD Launches FCP Audio Bridge – New Audio Extension for Final Cut Pro

  1. Carsten says:

    Thank you, Larry, for sharing this great news! I tried out the Beta version and it’s quite impressive how the Audio Brigde interlinks ADD to Final Cut, how this opens up new possibilities of doing sound-design work (more or less) within Final Cut and how it links even Logic Pro to the timeline of Final Cut.

    On the other hand it makes me think: if a third party company is able to work out this kind of dynamic linking, why does the apple team themselves does not work out a possibilty of linking Final Cut dynamically with Logic Pro. This would be a big step forward (also catching up with other NLEs) regarding the kind of limited possibilities for audio work within Final Cut.

  2. […] editors will be able to create soundscapes for their projects seamlessly from inside Final Cut Pro. Larry Jordan calls it “very cool!” saying, “This vastly simplifies finding, editing, timing and modifying sound effects and music […]

  3. […] Read all of Larry Jordan’s thoughts on Audio Design Desk ADD Audio Bridge […]

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