New Interactive Audio Fade Controls in Premiere Pro [v]

Posted on by Larry

[ This is an excerpt from a recent webinar: “New Features in Adobe Premiere Pro 24.5” which is available as a download in our store, or as part of our Video Training Library. ]


Premier Pro stole a very useful audio technique from Audition and added interactive fade handles to every audio clip. In this short video, Larry Jordan illustrates what these are, how they work and when to use them.


New Interactive Audio Fade Controls in Premiere Pro

TRT: 4:47 — MPEG-4 HD movie



In this session, Larry Jordan showcases the new features in the March and May updates to Adobe Premiere Pro. Here are some subjects he covers:

Watch as Larry shows how to make the most of Adobe Premiere Pro. There’s a lot to cover!


This intermediate-level session benefits from some knowledge of how Premiere works.

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