[ This article was first published in the July, 2009, issue of
Larry’s Final Cut Pro Newsletter. Click here to subscribe. ]
Nicolas Nilsen writes:
Just a question concerning Soundtrack Pro: I have a piece of music and I’d like to DUPLICATE a bit AND INSERT it at a very specific place. In FCP words, I’d like to make an insert edit (not an overwrite).
Here’s what I did : (1) copy the bit (2) put the playhead at the right place (3) menu Edition -> special paste -> paste by insertion (but it’s grayed out ! I can’t “INSERT” it!
What am I missing? 🙂
Larry replies: This is a great question, thanks for writing.
In Soundtrack Pro, when you are in an Audio Project, illustrated in your screen shot, selecting Edit > Paste does an insert edit automatically, provided you don’t have any audio selected. If, on the other hand, you select a range of audio, Pasting will replace the selected portion with the inserted portion.
In a Multitrack track project, its a bit trickier. Edit > Paste > Insert will be grayed out unless you use the Timeslice tool to select a PORTION of an audio clip and copy it to the clipboard. Selecting an entire clip disables Paste Insert. To select a portion of a clip, drag the Timeslice tool across the audio you want to select.
Then, be sure the track containing the clip you want to insert into is selected and the playhead is positioned where you want the audio to be inserted. At which point, Paste > Insert will work.
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